Here is your W.T.F./W.T.F (Woo The Eff) Hoo for this past week.
Please note this post is not meant to make light of the despicable deeds described here, only to make fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these heinous acts.
This for me is all kinds of WTF.
A man in CT admitted to choking his dog to death, after the dog urinated on his leg and then bit the man.
First I want to say I’m thankful that I found this article after the man’s hearing. Otherwise I’d probably be sitting in a 4 x 6 cell asking my husband to put a chip in widget on this blog in order to post my bail.
For the record I would have been in his face screaming I’d bite you too if you choked me when I peed Motherf*cker.
Siriusly you know this sick SOB was probably housebreaking the dog by punishing him, no wonder the dog bit him. Personally I’m thinking the dog was too nice to this piece of human filth.
Alex Wullaert W.T.F. is wrong with you? Did your mother potty train you by choking you when you peed. You are a sick piece of work, I pray there’s a special place in hell set aside just for you.
Sadly in CT he will probably get a $500 fine.
In his defense, he did say he threw flowers in the water where he disposed of the dog.
Flowers? Wow. If someone does me a favor by choking your ass and throwing it in the lake, I’ll be sure to toss flowers in for you too f*cker.
In other CT news a man was charged with killing a black bear after he saw the bear go into his garage and then into his backyard.
My big question here is where did the bear get the garage door opener Cory J. Maitz?
Hmmm Unless……wait for it……the idiot…..left his garage door open. In that case, I believe it’s your own dumb fault Cory that the bear went into your garage.
But wait. You told the police the bear had left your garage and was in your backyard, why then did you shoot the bear? Apparently the bear was leaving, so why?
And now let me tell you, you’ve ruined it for the rest of us.
Because when someone asks us, does a bear shit in the woods? We have no answer because YOU Cory J Maitz shot the bear.
Go f*ck yourself a-hole.
This is a definite WHOO the f*** HOO.
The USDA is finally stepping in and proposing regulations to breeders who sell puppies over the internet. The proposed regulations will require those who breed more than four females and who sell their puppies electronically (whether it be via e-mail, telephone or over the internet) to open their doors and allow people to see the puppies before they purchase them.
As with most new laws, I imagine some tweaking will be required on this one as well.
How was your week? Anything make you scream W.T.F! or W.T.F. Hoo?

What’s with all this killing. I don’t understand what is wrong with people!! So glad to hear the news about the USDA though…you know how much I despise puppy mills!!
I think the whole world’s gone crazy Donna!! WTF?
Yes I’m with you, puppy mills are awful and I think it’s about time someone stepped in!
Yegods. There are so many sickos out there. No wonder I like animals (of the non-human kind) better. Always have, always will.
I’m with you, the more I know of people the less I like them. Give me my dogs and an island any day of the week. 🙂
It’s incredibly sad to me that some people’s first thought when they see a wild animal around their homes is just to kill it. I mean they were here long before we were.
Exactly Jan, why is that? If the bear were attacking a family member well that would be one thing. If the bear did damage to the property I might try and make some changes to keep the bear out but I wouldn’t kill it. Besides it was a small bear so it was probably a baby. I hope mama doesn’t find out where Cory lives. 🙂
Stop holding yourself back so much, Jodi. Tell us what you really think! 🙂
But dumb stories like the one about the bear reinforce my personal desire for strict gun laws. It’s not that there aren’t many responsible gun owners out there. But lethal weapons close at hand allow really stupid people to do really stupid (and irreversible) things really quickly. We need to create as big a time lag as possible between a stupid idea and a stupid action.
Hmmm, that philosophy should probably be applied to driving cars, making babies, getting puppies… I guess it’s a good thing I’m not in charge.
Here’s the thing Pamela, he was charged with criminal possession of a fire arm, I don’t think his gun was legal.
As with anything, the responsible people ‘follow’ the rules and the irresponsible ruin it for the rest. It goes for responsible parenting, breeding and driving. 🙁
Amen, Jodi. Well put.
Both of those top stories make me so sad. There really isn’t anything else I can say. In both situations, we – all of us humans – are too blame. We are to blame for not providing better education and training for dog owners and for regarding dogs soley as expendable property. We are to blame for bears having to travel on to human territory in order to find food. It’s our fault the bear was anywhere near this man’s garage. Neither of these animals were happy before they died. The dog didn’t enjoy urinating on the man – though maybe he should have – and the bear didn’t enjoy wandering through a cramped garage. They just didn’t know what else to do.
Sad, sad, sad all over the place. And like the stupid humans we are we shoot the problem we created instead of fixing it.
Interesting new regulations from the USDA, however. I don’t know exactly how they could be enforced or if they are entirely constitutional – can you require a person to let strangers into his/her home? But it should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Thanks for another post that made me think!
You’ve hit the nail on the head Kristine, we are all to blame for these tragedies. How do we educate people though? It’s not like there aren’t places out there for you learn how to train your dog. Perhaps if the shelter who adopted the dog out had some required classes to take, would that help. Or would the person simply blow it off thinking they didn’t need the education.
After our experience with the rescue we got Delilah from I could see there needed to be some improvement in the process but who is going to listen? There are so many animals in shelters and pounds and not enough people, money or time to do all that is required, something has to change!
As for the USDA I’m not sure how they would enforce this, but I imagine if you choose to run a business from your home you would open yourself up to inspection. We shall see how it plays out.
I hope Mama DOES find out where Cory lives…
LOL Kathy……as long as they took all his guns away!!
Those USDA regulations are a disaster for hobby breeders. This is just another case of over government regulation. There is way more to those proposed regs than allowing people to see the puppies before they are purchased. Right now the AKC and other breed clubs are formulating comments about these proposed regulations. I may even need to jump in on this one.
As for that first story, it does not sound like that rescue did a very good job of placing that dog. They could not see that the guy was unfit? What responsibility do they bear in that dog’s death?
Once again it is the responsible breeders who are in it to strengthen the breed as opposed to those who are just in it for the money who are punished. I’m sure there will be tweaking that needs to be done and it should be interesting to see how it plays out.
You are right about the rescue, in this instance it was a local shelter and I’m not sure what guidelines they work within. The system is definitely flawed. I hope it will change.
This is a rousing testament for pet-owner euthanasia.
In a perfect world. 🙂 It would be that simple, wouldn’t it?