The AWESOME Jodi Chick (or as she calls me, the other Jodi) over at Kol’s Notes recently did a review of coconut oil.
If your unfamiliar with coconut oil it’s really not like an oil at all. It comes as a solid and liquefies at 70 degrees farenheit.
I’ve been giving Sampson and Delilah coconut oil once a day now for about two months, I started it because they were itchy in the fall. It was recommended by my raw food mentor, Sandy who thought they might be itchy from…acorns.
She explained that acorns have mold (which explains why squirrels are so freaking crazy) and when the acorns drop they crack and the mold spores escape. If the dogs lay outside on the acorns or walk through them, they can ingest some of the mold.
Sandy suggested Salmon oil and coconut oil to help with the itching. And that is when I discovered just exactly how beneficial coconut oil is for EVERYONE, not just dogs. Check out some of the benefits of coconut oil here.
In fact I have replaced Crisco with coconut oil for baking. When a recipe calls for ‘greasing the pan’ I use coconut oil, I’ve even done stir fry with coconut oil. Vegetable oil is not welcome in my home anymore!
I love my dogs and want what’s best for them, and what I really like best about the coconut oil is it’s something I can buy that is not just for us, and not just for the dogs.
AND it is beneficial to all of us.

Wow who knew…great information Jodi, I will have to check this stuff out (especially like the weight loss 😉 Where do you buy it?
If you go to Jodi’s page she has a link. Otherwise I just buy it at the grocery store. It is better to buy the expeller pressed organic coconut oil, which I think it carried by most health food stores.
But Jodi has a link to buy online, in case you can’t find it in your area. It is some great stuff!
Absolutely! What a great post. After beating cancer last year, I did a major overhaul of our kitchen, ingredient by ingredient. I read as much as I could and researched the benefits of coconut oil – and what I found as far as it being a beneficial oil was eye-opening. Now, work on switching your flour to coconut as well, then move on to coconut milk. LOVE the coconuts! Thank you Jodi for sharing. I love reading your Blog everyday!
Thank you Amy!! I saw your picture with hair and it brought tears of joy to my eyes!! I’m so happy that you are doing so well.
In August I had to go gluten free so I have been experimenting with the different types of flour.
I did make coconut donut ‘holes’ from coconut flour and they were so yummy!! My daughter is totally getting into the healthy eating and helps by posting recipes on my facebook page.
I tried the milk, but I didn’t like that particular brand, I do drink almond milk and I love that, I could drink that by the bucketfuls!!
Thanks for commenting, I’m hoping to get up to see Laura one weekend and hope I can meet you!!
I guess this means I should stock up on the new coconut M&Ms, right?
LOL I’m not quite sure if they have the same effect or not, but definitely don’t give them to the dogs!!
lol! Oh, of course! I suppose I should’ve clarified, but I meant entirely for myself.
Cooking with coconut oil is a good (and delicious) idea! I may just have to test that out.
I use coconut oil when making homemade soap. It makes the bar harder and gives it a nice, bubbly lather. You can buy larger quantities (anywhere from 8oz. to a gallon) thru any soap making supply store online.
I’ve never made homemade soap, is is difficult to do?
Not really. You just have to have the right equipment and follow a good recipe. There are all sorts of soap making sites if you google it.
Thx for this post Jodi! I’m def going to try using coconut oil now!
I’m sure Foxy will love it!
huh… maybe the acorn thing explains Gwynn’s itchyness. I’d already started giving him salmon oil (SO glad he’s so good about taking pills! “peanutbutter on something mysterious? okay!”) with hopes it would help, but maybe i’ll add coconut oil to the list as well.
It is very possible Lexy, I give them the Salmon oil as an oil. It is dispensed by weight, Sampson gets four pumps and Delilah gets three. They love the taste of it and I squirt it right into their bowls. No peautbutter involved. 🙂
I managed to get some! I managed to get some! And it’s the organic stuff which hasn’t had chemicals added to extract the oil. Unfortunately, it’s nearly $14 for a small jar. 🙁 I’ll keep looking to see if I can find a better deal. Anyway, I put a couple of teaspoons in Flo’s dinner this evening. 😀 Thanks for the tip.
WOW that’s pricey! I got mine (organic) for $5.99 a jar. Maybe I will have to look into shipping you some. But let me know if it helps the Fabulous one.
🙁 I’m sure it’s not as expensive down south,
I have been using Coconut Oil for a while now, but I didn’t know I could give it to my dogs . . . I will definitely try that. Thanks for posting this Jodi!!!!
No problem Laura, it has many health benefits for them.
It’s funny how we discover the benefits of things because not so long ago coconut was suppose to be bad for us. It is good to know that this oil can really help us so much. It’s so hard to keep up! Thanks for this informational post.
Was it bad for us? I didn’t ever know that! I love the coconut flour too, but I’m not big on the milk. I’m going to try a type that is processed differently and see if there is a change in taste.
I know that a while ago people who were diagnosed with high cholesterol were not suppose to eat coconut.
I believe my sister was just diagnosed with an allergy to coconut oil. I think for some people it can be an allergen. I am glad that you found a solution to the itching. 🙂
Oh that’s awful, it has so many healthy benefits. It helped the itching totally. Do you give the brown dawgs any supplements?
They get a pet tab a day and plain yogurt and a gas-x every meal, (no Gas-x for Freighter we do not have to worry about bloat yet). Their food is salmon based and it seems to do fine with their coats. When Thunder was showing we used to give him powdered goat’s milk to help his coat (but you did not hear that from me as it is a secret :)).
You give them gas-x with their meals? I know with Thunder’s history bloat would be a huge concern, has it been proven that the gas-x prevents bloat? I just watched a disturbing video of a dog bloating from the Akita rescue. I couldn’t believe they video-taped it, but thankfully the dog survived!
I never knew that about acorns Jodi. Fortunately, I don’t have any oaks near me. It is amazing that there is usually a natural remedy to natural problems.
I think Bassa that is the balance of nature, the yin and yang so to speak.
Hey Jodi. We usually recommend flax seed oil for both pets and owners and it has a multitude of benefits. Great to hear about coconut oil and am I am keen on trying it. 🙂
Excellent to know Dr. Rayya, I will see about adding some to the dog’s diet. I am currently working with someone on my supplements so I will ask her about it.
Coconut oil is amazing if you’re cooking with high heat…. most other oils burn & smoke at high heats which drastically reduces the beneficial properties & can be harmful. Its recommended if cooking at a high temp to use coconut oil or another oil that can withstand higher temperatures…. not to mention it adds a yummy flavor!
I cooked my asparagus with it last night!! It was yummy.
That’s amazing. Thank for your article. I never thought that coconut oil is very helpful.