I’ve written many times that Delilah has a 30 foot leash for our hikes in the woods. Normally the dogs are pretty close to me, but if they make a turn and I can’t see them or they get out of my range of vision, I sort of panic. That is why I work on her recall every single time we are out there.
I’ve noticed that different people have different words for calling their dogs. Some people use front while others simply say, come. Most of the time when we are in the training center I say here and put my hand on my chest.
When we are off leash walking, I have a variety of words/phrases that I use. Sometimes I say, this way, other times I say, did you forget where the mama is? or where are you going, silly? Sometimes I simply use a traditional here or come.
Then there are times like today when I just say,
What words do you use to recall your dog? Do you find that one works better than another?

I love it!!
I use “here” but sometimes I do have some phrases I use with some choice words
Oh trust, I use those words too. It is not unusual to hear me call Delilah a jackass when we are in class.
Then there is that thing that Sampson won’t do for the camera. If I have the camera he refuses to do it, if I don’t have the camera he does it. Yesterday I called him a dick. LOL
I love that recall! Delilah is very obedient – and absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks Barb, that has been a long time in working, but I really think the long leash works well for her.
Nice! Good question too. These are the words/commands I know Luna clearly knows
Come: This originally was my more “serious biz” recall word and she used to come straight to front and Sit and wait till I released or leashed her. She has gotten lazy on it, since I have too.
Here: I use this more often and feel like the word travels better as there are more ways to say it… probably have adapted to using this more due to hunting her etc, helps guide her.
Come Here: has become my serious biz command
Right here: means get closer as you did not come all the way in as I said, miss independent
Stay here: Usually I use this as a general perimeter marker as I let her go back out, she will usually wait right when i say it and keeps that invisible distance to me till I let her go on
This way: hey pay attention to the direction I just turned. A sort of general “come around” command to just switch her direction with me
I did not realize I used so many words. I guess I should do more of what I preach to clients and simplify things. She used to be REALLY good about turning to come check in with a simple whistle but she has lost some of that dime-turning as she has aged and become more fired up. I have always meant to really whistle train her for while out running in the woods as whistles (plastic kind) travel much better than voice, and I don’t like hollering things in the woods so they can hear me. I like to let people know I am not there if possible lol.
Great video too! Keep up the good work
Usually when walking they are pretty close so the ‘this way’ or ‘I’m going this way’ works to keep them right with me. On the ocassion where they are a distance away, the Yahoo or WooHoo really carry, and grabs there attention. Sometimes I just call their names and that works as well.
For us it has really been a great bonding experience and using the treats has helped facilitate the bond. In fact I heard Hubby grumble tonight that the dogs were more excited to see me than him, even though I had come into the house three times today. I attribute it to the walking. It has really made us closer.
I also have a plastic whistle, I really like to change it up, it keeps them on their toes and they never know why I am calling them back (except for the treat.)
However if I am putting leash on I will tell them, Sampson leash.
I discovered today that when I call Sampson he looks at me, then I said NOW and he came. LOL
I use come. Not that it works.
LOL it is a lot of work with them to get them to that point.
When my mom wants Ernie to COME… she goes.. ERNIE ERNIE ERNIE..
Butt When I (Frankie Furter) call him I go… Rrrrrrrrrr Woooof Bark Bark Rrrrrrrr and POOF he comes right to me.
I usually say “come”. But I have to be careful to say it in a pleasant tone of voice because if I’m upset (as in they took off when they weren’t supposed to!) and YELL at them to come, they just run all the faster in the opposite direction. Bad dogs.
Hee hee! I played that while Flo was snoozing (just for a change) and her head shot up, so I let her lie back down again, played it again and caught it on camera. I’ll post it one of these days!
I say ‘come’. Flo hears ‘blah’. Then I lower my voice and say ‘Flo. Come.’ Flo sometimes looks up, with a look of ‘where did that ‘blah blah’ come from?’ on her face. Then I put on my ‘you’d better do as you’re being asked or else I’m going to put your lead back on’ voice and say ‘come here’. She saunters up. Sometimes she breaks into a trot. She always gets a ‘good girl’! From time to time I add an adjective to her name that would make a sailor blush. Actually, she’s really not that bad. She’s even reaching the heights of ‘pretty good’ down at the beach. Yay Flo!
Ooooh, impressive!
When Honey was a puppy, I used to hide behind things in the yard and yell, “Where’s Honey?” I still use that for fun.
For everyday recall, I use “come.” But several trainers have suggested we teach another word that we only use in a life or death emergency and that we train this word with the most delicious treat or reward in the world. It should be something you wouldn’t normally use in conversation so the dog only recognizes it as a “don’t fail, come right this moment, don’t hesitate” kinda cue.
My special word is “home plate.” And I’m training it by dropping liver or chicken breast on the floor whenever I say it.
Hope I never have to use it.
Tall person says , ‘To me’. It usually works
I say “Let’s go get food!” Works everytime.
Wow – that’s some recall! Worked awesome!! Leah and Meadow both know AND respond to “Come” (although we don’t take them anywhere that isn’t fenced, and Meadow’s always on a line for backup.) Toby’s another story…he “knows” Come, Here, Front, AND Get Ready (my version of Finish) – but whether or not he responds to them on any given day is a crap shoot. :-9
LOL! Forgot to fill in my info, but I’m sure you can guess who “anonymous” is!
hilarious recall, xena!
She responded so well, though – clearly all your practice is working!
Love it! I played your video clip and Dexter, who was sacked out on the floor next to me woke up and looked around with a startled look in his eye.
I usually holler out “Roosssyyyy, Dexterrrrr, COME!” in a sing songy way that sounds like I am having a great time doing whatever it is I am doing and implying that they might want to come have fun too. It usually works…
We usually use “here” or their name. Delilah is such a good girl! I think the way you called her would travel over distance well.