We had a lovely tease of spring days to come yesterday.
I had to run out and pick up a prescription and when I stepped outside around 3:00 pm, spring fever slapped me hard in the face.
I immediately regretted not letting the prescription wait and instead running home and grabbing the dogs for a walk. I debated whether I had the time to do both. In the end the prescription won out.
Hubby and I had planned to do our around the block walk, but the fresh spring air kept dancing in and out of my mind. When one of my co-workers suggested slipping out early, I packed up my stuff and left.
As soon as I walked in the house, I ignored our traditional greetings and rituals and instead ran right for my sneakers, collecting poop bags, pepper spray, and treat bags as I dialed up my walking friend. Poor sweetie was suffering from a miserable virus/cold so I said, “Pass.”
I quickly switched the dog’s collars bypassed the flea and tick spray as well as their safety vests and hustled them into the car.
I raced up to the park hoping we would have time for a quick run through the woods and praying on-one else would be around.
My luck ran out as I pulled up and three teenage boys were just stepping out of their car.
“Hey fellows, how’s it going? Would you mind if I let the dogs out? I’m trying to get a quick run in before dark. They’re friendly.”
They had no problems with it so I let the dogs out, after a quick greeting the dogs headed off towards the field.
I chatted with the guys for a couple of minutes but didn’t want to seem like a stalker, besides their young legs moved much quicker than these old ones and they quickly out distanced me.
They headed down to the lower walking trails and Sampson, Delilah and I stayed on the upper ones.
I couldn’t remember what time the sun was scheduled to set, but figured I had about half an hour. I kept my eye on the western sky, checking the position of the sun. After we’d been there about 25 minutes we started heading out, while it wasn’t really getting dark I decided I wasn’t willing to risk another run through.
It was just enough to satisfy the spring fever in my soul and it helped Delilah snooze through her snack time. In fact, I had to wake her up to give it to her. 😉
Book update: My book has 12,623 words.

AH! I love impromptu outings and I love the park at sunset. What a wonderful day.
It was a great day! I hope you get some of those days too.
Sounds like fun!
We are under a severe snow storm advisory until tomorrow noon, could be 6-10 inches, the dogs will be in heaven 🙂
I heard on the news that almost the entire country was under some kind of weather!! I hope yours is over soon.
I’m just so happy that it is light out now when I get home from work. Your rushing about to get the dogs out, reminds me of what I go through – I want to get out in the light of day with Lila. We have a little snow on the ground, and it feels so refreshing, but, of course, I am looking forward to spring-like days. The birds have been singing a lot, so I know spring is just around the corner. Yay!
I couldn’t agree more, there is something so joyful about being out in the light with the dogs! I am really looking forward to the spring days when I can walk them after work.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves walking with their dogs.
Fantastic! I love your enthuisiasm!! Go for it!
Thanks Bassas, I know how much you enjoy your walks too!
Nice photo, and glad you got a little romp in before the sun set. Pesky prescriptions…LOL!
I know, if I’d known sooner I would have picked the prescription after work and walked the dogs at lunch. 😉
Spring is definitely in the air! I love that it’s light out for a short part of my walk, and that part is getting longer every day 🙂 it’s a wonderful feeling.
It is, it is. There is something so magical about spring after the cold and dreary of winter.
I just love it when someone chooses the right priorities in their life!
You got that right Big Al, I know you have your priorities strait.
Good on you for taking advandage of a lovely day! We’ve been lucky here with weather as well lately and I hope to get in my own sping-like walk in the park tonight.
Oh I hope you do! There’s something so lovely about the milder, gentle air. The dogs can tell, they are so happy out there.
I really should take advantage of living at work more than I do, and having a break from 12-3. Often I usually just treat that as downtime to cope with my long days that are from 7-6. But I have been making a point to get to the canal to walk at least twice a week, which the dogs love. Hopefully with the weather warming up soon i will get out even more.
You work at home? That’s awesome. I am working towards working at home (with my writing) when I do I intend to make sure we walk first thing every morning. 🙂
Take the time Anna, before you know it another year will be gone.
It is great that you got everything in. I will be so happy when it is light for a bit of time after work again. Can’t come soon enough.
I don’t know what it is about the light being longer in the evening, but it just makes me feel better.
You will be able to get some training in after work?