Our next door neighbor’s dog is chained up outside. Not in the way you typically think of a dog chained up. Since their yard is not fenced in, when Gunner has to go out he goes out on a chain, he is not left out there all day and night long.
My experience with dogs that are chained is if the opportunity ever presents itself, they will take off and go exploring. Gunner is no exception. As far as I can tell he is not a mean dog, he never barks at my dogs even though the two fools are barking their heads off at him.
I really don’t know what kind of dog Gunner is, I know he is black with longish fur and probably a bit smaller than my dogs. If truth be told, he sort of looks like a Grim from Harry Potter. Siriusly.
Last night he got loose. I could hear my neighbor out their calling him, but he didn’t care, he was too busy enjoying his freedom. 🙂
Hubby and I were planning on walking the dogs around the block when he got home. I was kind of nervous about Gunner being on the loose and running into him on our walk. Since Delilah can get so snarky on her leash, I try to avoid other dogs.
Luckily for us we didn’t run into Gunner, BUT the dogs in the house with the invisible fence were out, at least the one that likes to run back and forth barking, you know the one who gets Delilah’s dander up.
Thankfully when the dogs are out their porch light is on which usually gives me the heads up. Although sometimes we can’t see the dogs until we are almost upon them, because the part of the yard that runs along the road is in shadow.
Delilah you may recall is on the 30 foot leash, so I pulled it in and gave her maybe about 12 feet.
Normally even when the dogs aren’t out she lifts her head up and looks over there, looking for some action. I try not to yank her instead I will try to guide her toward me with the leash and say, “This way” or “leave it.”
I just have to tell you how damn proud I am of her, the dog was barking and running back and forth and she looked over and I said, “Leave it.” She turned back to the grass and even though the hair at the base of her tail raised up a bit, she walked calmly away.
No barking, no yanking, no growling. She just walked away.
Yup, I Tebowed right in the road. 🙂
Book update: Still at 12,303 words.

That is awesome Jodi! Great job Delilah!!
I hope you’re neighbors dog comes back home.
I’m sure he did. I think he learned his lesson when he lost half his tail in the woods. 🙁
I was pretty pleased I have to say. 🙂
Thanks Donna, you will get there too.
Good girl Delilah – your mom is so proud of you!
Thanks Barb, I think she is getting it.
You are awesome Delilah 🙂 What a good girl you are!
By the way I love this “the two fools are barking their heads off at him.” Sounds like my house 😉
LOL Misty, they are crazy. He just stands there looking at them and they run back and forth along the fence barking their heads off.
Your guys do it too? Silly dogs. 🙂
Congratulations on her break-though! You must be such a proud mama and for good reason. I know you guys have been working hard and it’s paying off. Hooray!!
I think I’ve been lacking in consistency with her and as you well know, consistency is key!!
Thank you!!
Delilah sure is becoming very responsible! 🙂
She’s growing up on me. 🙁 LOL
You are doing an amazing job. Way to go.
And you too, Jodi.
Thanks Jan, we appreciate the support!
Siriusly, very proud of you Delilah 🙂
I love you Meesh.
Well done! 🙂
Thank you! It feels pretty darn good. 🙂
Way to go Delilah! Well done!
I’m sure you always listen to the tall person Bassas, someday Delilah will be as well trained as you are.
Deliah you did GOOOOOOD girrrrl.
Thank you!! Thank you!!!
😀 Siriusly – I love a good play on words!
congrats on Delilah – she’s doing so well with ignoring the obnoxious dogs!
Thanks Lexy, I was wondering if people would just think I was stupid. 🙂 Yes, she is learning to ignore the obnoxious.
Now you’ve done it. I’ve got to dig through all your posts to find out more about this book you speak of. Good job with your dogs!
Thank you. The book was “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” It is the third book in a series of 7.
Good girl Delilah, sending you a nice belly rub!
Thank you Nana, we like belly rubs.
Congratulations, Jodi. Very nice. And GOOD GIRL, Delilah!!
(And thanks for that bit of “Siriusly” sweetness. 🙂
Thanks Leslie. Glad you enjoyed my play on words. 🙂
Congratulations! You and Delilah have had so many successes lately! Proof of all your hard work. Just one year ago would you ever have believed you’d get this far?
Thanks Kristine, she is using Shiva as her role model. 🙂
When I look back to that first day, I would have never thought I’d ever be able to manage this dog. And when I say that, I know YOU know what I am talking about.
I really think I wouldn’t have come this far if you hadn’t found me Kristine, you’ve opened me up to a whole new world of training!
Thank you, thank you!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, isn’t it lovely when all your training pays off. Bravo Delilah!
Excellent Delilah. All of your hard work with her is really paying off.
PS can you believe I am two days behind reading your post? Yikes!