Something new and fun going around is the game of blog tag. You get tagged by another blogger and you have to answer the questions and then tag 8 other bloggers.
2 Brown Dawgs tagged us yesterday, and said, ‘no pressure’ and I thought this should be easy, but I don’t like the way my answers sound and I can’t seem to transition the closing!! PFFFFT.
Describe yourself in 7 words.
Sampson: Handsome, loveable, easy-going, patient, kind, loving, laid-back.
Delilah: Impetuous, excitable, food-driven, high-energy, loveable, beautiful, funny.
Jodi: loyal, honest, funny, loving, insecure, imaginative, tired.
What keeps you up at night?
Sampson: Nothing keeps me up at night.
Delilah: Nothing keeps me up at night.
Jodi: The question is more like, what DOESN’T keep me up at night?
Who would you like to be?
Sampson: Do I have to be somebody else?
Delilah: I’m happy with who I am.
Jodi: Someone who can make a difference in this world.
What are you wearing right now?
Sampson: My furday suit.
Delilah: My purple necklace and brown fur coat.
Jodi: Pajamas.
What scares you?
Sampson: Walking across a railroad bridge.
Delilah: Pallets of food.
Jodi: The scary way I see this world heading.
The best and worst of blogging.
Sampson: Mom likes it, but she spends too much time on it.
Delilah: I’m like Switzerland, neutral.
Jodi: The best is all the great friends I have made, the worst is the pressure I feel to try and make it successful.
The last website I visited.
Jodi: 2 Brown Dawgs to get these questions.
What is one thing I would change about myself.
Sampson: I’d like to be a little smaller so I could be a lap dog.
Delilah: Run faster.
Jodi: I’d like to lose about 15 pounds.
Slankets yes or no.
Um…none of us knew what those were, so I googled it.
Sampson: No
Delilah: I don’t have one, but I’d use it if I did.
Jodi: No, if I’m cold I use a robe or a blanket.
Tell us something about the dog that tagged you.
We were actually tagged by three dogs! Thunder, Storm and little Freighter, some awesome Chessies. We’re jealous of them because they get to do a lot of fun hunting things and spend lots of time outdoors AND they have a cabin they go to for vacation!
The last bit of the game is to tag eight other blogs, I’m not sure if these blog have participated already or not, so if you have I apologize and if you haven’t I look forward to your answers.
I can’t wait to see what these awesome bloggers have to say!
Book Update: 12, 303 words.

Congratulations and I like your answers. I can’t wait to do my post for this one. Trying to catch up from the busy weekend 🙂
I was excited about doing it too, then I sat down to write it and felt flummoxed. I can’t wait to read yours!
Great answers. I remember the Delilah food pallet incident. And I had to google slankets too. LOL Thanks for participating.
I was nervous about googling them because they sound scary. I thought well it’s about dogs you wouldn’t think they would be something awful but they just don’t sound like something I’d even WANT around my dogs! LOL
Thanks for tagging us. 🙂
What a super job you did with this. I love knowing more about you. THANK You fur Tagging me. I did a tagged post recently so… I will put this up fur any of Your readers who have NOT been Tagged.. and would love the chance. I hope that is OK with you. I am BIG on Sharing.
PeeS… LOTS of us did Not know what a Slanket was.
Whew, I’m glad I am not the only one who didn’t know what it was!!
I must have missed your post on the tagging, but I will try and find it. You do what you want with it. 🙂
Love this quote: “The question is more like, what DOESN’T keep me up at night?”
Well Donna, you and I are very similar. I bet you can imagine. 🙂
But it is very true, I am a worrier and I worry about EVERYTHING!
I so feel you on the “what doesn’t keep me up at night” part… that’s me too!
Also, I can’t believe I’m so late seeing this – as you may have guessed, I’m way behind this month. Thank you for tagging me though – I’ll get on it ASAP. 🙂
LOL, it’s true. Everything keeps me up at night.
I can’t wait to hear your answers, you’re a witty one!