We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog post for this special announcement.
I forgot all about the Mr. Chewy giveaway!! After putting the comments thru random.org, the winner of the Mr. Chewy $50 gift certificate is…..drum roll please…..Mami2jcn . Please send me your e-mail address and I will send you all the details!
Weekends are tough in my house, if I don’t have anywhere special to be it’s very easy for me to sit on the couch with my computer in my lap and just….well sit.
Hubby left early to go work on his jeep, so when I got up I fed the dogs and then Bob, made myself a cup of tea and fired up the laptop.
I was intently involved in catching up on some blog reading when a weird sound penetrated my concentration. It was the distinct sound of a dish tapping against the wall, which meant Bob had his dish against the wall and was working it pretty good. Then I looked up and saw Bob sitting in front of me.
Damn it Delilah! Then I saw Delilah curled up on the couch.
When Delilah joined our pack I had hoped that some of Sampson’s good behavior would rub off on her, I certainly didn’t expect some of her bad habits to rub off on him!
He had pushed the gate that keeps the dogs out of the room in on one corner and was lying on the floor eating what was left of poor little Bob’s cat food.
I know I found it hard to believe myself, so I took a picture as proof.
How is it that bad habits rub off, but good ones don’t?
Book update: It is the same as yesterday.

This is too funny, we have the same thing that happens with the cat food too!! When you know the answer about their habits, let us know, because I’ve yet to figure that out! 🙂
Enjoy your evening, and CONGRATS to the winner of your drawing!!
He’s never gone after the food before! But you really have your hands full. 🙂
Well I think it is one of those thingys like.. Poop Rolls Down Hill or somethingy like that.
LOL Frankie and Ernie, is that what it is? What makes you like the cat food?
If I could get to it, I’d be chowing too!
Why though Rumpy? What makes it so appealing?
Haha that is always the case. Bad seems to win out over good. 🙂 Of course it is a minor offense, no?
The Golden we had before the Chessies once cleaned the cat food out of a plastic bowl. We were visiting at my Dad’s house. His cat, his bowl. Then because the food was so good, he ate the bowl. Of course that meant a trip to the vet.
Would you believe right after I read this someone told me that they use gelatin in the plastics which means the dogs smell it and that’s why they eat it!
How did it turn out, did your golden need surgery?
Tee hee. Flo, meet Sampson. Sampson, meet Flo. You have a lot in common. 🙂
Oh my! He’s usually not like that at all. It really took me by surprise.
Oh yay! I just saw my name and I’m so excited to win!!! I’m emailing you now.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to hear what you got. 🙂 Thank you for reading!
Kids are the same way. They pick up bad habits and talk from the kids at school. I wonder why good habits are so hard to get them to adopt.
It is probably a fact of life that bad habits are more memorable because they usually result in something very funny 🙂 I think Delilah is a hoot! 🙂
Sneaky sneaky Sampson.
Since “the cat who is not our cat” has moved in with us we started keeping a small dish of cat food under my computer desk (an old sewing table) where I thought it was safe from the dogs. One morning as we were all leaving to run errands, we forgot something in the house and Husband went back in. There was Rosy’s rump in the air, her body squeezed between the legs of the sewing stool and her upper body twisted around the table legs – snout in the cat food dish! Sigh.