If you missed the post about Delilah’s first attempt on my life, you can find it here. Since she failed in her attempt to kill me by force, she decided her next attempt would be to give me a heart attack.
Before you read any further, I will let you know that we are all fine.
I had planned on walking the dogs this morning, but needed a quick trip to the post office. I was gone from the house for 20 minutes, 25 minutes tops.
I came back grabbed a cheese stick to munch on and started gathering all the items I use on our walk.
I noticed the dish rag was on the floor. I picked it up, looked at Delilah and said, “Why is this here?” She turned her back and ignored me.
I went to the area where I keep our walking things and then I noticed this.
Of course this is how it looks after I picked it up, I was so freaked out that I didn’t think to take a picture. Why? Because before it was destroyed and consumed it had at least two to four of every one of these inside it.
I remember saying, “Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God” while I looked frantically for the vet’s phone number.
I finally found it and called the vet, our conversation went something like this:
Me: Hi this is Jodi Stone, Delilah just ate a whole bunch of supplements and other stuff.
Angie: OK, what did she eat?
Me: Well flax seed, calcium, vitamins, some Benadryl, some Omeprazole, and some adrenal support supplements.
Angie: OK, let me see if a Dr. or vet tech is available to speak with you.
Me: Ok. Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God.
Angie: OK, I spoke with Dr. B, she thinks Delilah will be OK, but just to be on the safe side, you should make her vomit. You can either bring her here or do it at home.
Me: Well how do you make her puke? (I mean I’ve heard of people puking their dogs before, but in all my years of owning dogs, I’ve never done it.)
Angie: Dr. B says a quarter to half a cup of Peroxide. Start with a quarter cup and if she doesn’t vomit, give her the other half. If that doesn’t work, you will need to bring her in. Give her a little water after you give her the Peroxide.
Me: I don’t know if I even have Peroxide. (As I’m talking, I’m walking to the bathroom and checking under the sink.)
Me: OK, I have some. Now how do I get her to drink it?
Angie: Well when I had to give it to my cat, I used a syringe.
Me: OK, I’ll see what I can do, if I can’t get her to puke, I’ll call you back.
Angie: Call us back either way.
After we hung up I began rummaging thru the cupboards, thinking how many times I will need to fill the syringe to give her a quarter of a cup. That’s when I remembered Mr. Honey Bear.
Yes, I saved the bear that my honey came in because I thought it might be something fun for my grandson to drink out of when he was at my house.
Mr. Honey Bear worked great. But she wouldn’t take any water.
And then we waited. Of course Delilah was all kinds of pissed off at me. I tried to keep her off the deck so the vomit would be on the ground and I kept stroking her and telling her it was OK. Her stomach heaved once, but she didn’t puke.
After five minutes I called the vet’s office back. Of course I couldn’t remember who I talked to, so I asked them to ask around and I ended up with Angie again. I told her she’d had the quarter cup and hadn’t vomited and asked how long I should wait before giving her the second quarter. Angie said it should be pretty immediate and if five minutes had passed and she hadn’t puked, I should give her the rest.
I hung up and filled Mr. Honey Bear again. Delilah didn’t want anything to do with me, she walked around, then went to tinkle, right after she tinkled she turned around and puked.
Thank God.
I’m still not sure what happened to my cheese stick.
Book Update: My word count is the same as yesterday.

OMG, I was on the edge of my chair, hanging on each single word you wrote (even though you assured us at the beginning that you were all fine!) Poor Delilah – poor you!
I’m relieved it all turned out ok in the end.
By the way, how did she manage to get to them?
I know I felt so bad. We have a sofa that has a little table that drops down in the center. We put stuff on it all the time. I had my coffee with my pill container next to it, while I sat and did emails this morning. When I got up to leave for the post office and I put the cup in the sink, but I didn’t even think about the pill container. It was SO my fault and that makes me feel even worse. 🙁
Don’t feel so bad – it happens to us all.
I left a full packet of chocolate biscuits on a table once (forgot to put them away), same thing. When we came back home our dog at the time (a poodle), had managed to get to them and scoffed the lot! We were frantic because of the chocolate content and she was very lethargic, but as soon as she was sick, she was fine. Just kicked myself for being so careless, and a good lesson learned for me!
I’m glad your dog was ok. I know it happens sometimes but after almost 5 years with her I should know better!! I would never leave a bag of chips or a plate of food out, but who is the world would think a dog would eat SUPPLEMENTS of all things?
Strangely enough, after dinner last night Hubby took the garbage out of the can so we could take it outside. We both sat down and totally forgot about, the funny thing was that Delilah never even touched it! Go figure.
Barb is right, it happens to all of us who have dogs for very long, no matter how careful we are. I’ve had dogs get into chocolates and chicken bones among other scary experiences so I totally know the horror you felt. And now I know why I hung on to my honey bear. Glad it all turned out well.
Oh my gosh, Jan I was beside myself, I know it happens but she has shown me time and again that she will do that, i can’t believe I haven’t learned it by now.
Good ole Delilah. I think you and she are working out some Karma from past lives.
I think so too Big Al, it really makes me wonder if I was somebody really awful. 🙁
How scary! I’m so glad Delilah is doing fine and everyone’s OK.
Thank you, other than a few more gray hairs and losing a couple of years off my life, we are all fine. 🙂
I’m glad the little sod is alright! What a fright. You know, there are dogs out there that wouldn’t touch things like that… I think, sadly for you and me, that my animals and Delilah are cut from the same cloth! George did that once – he ate one of my mum’s pills while they were over visiting – the vet made us rush him down to the surgery where he made him sick. That has led to George having some digestive issues so now he needs enzymes added to his food!
As for your cheese stick – she probably ate that too! xxxx
See that’s the problem. Sampson would NEVER do something like that. I could literally set my dinner plate on the floor and tell him “leave it” and he would. I’ve been spoiled by him.
Is Flo the same way as George? I imagine she is much taller than Delilah which could mean more trouble…:-) hang in sister. 🙂
Flo hasn’t been too bad – I’ve very deliberately never given her any treats from my plate, never fed her while I was eating and never given her the scraps of my dinner. I’ve also been really strict with friends who have looked after her or when they’re visiting mine… one of my real bug bears is having a dog sit a couple of millimetres from where you are staring at you while you eat. It’s worked quite well – until the last couple of weeks for some reason – I don’t know what’s going on. Amongst other things, she’s started raiding the cat’s biscuit bowl, which I used to be able to leave down on the floor without any probs. Any tips would be gratefully received! 🙂 George isn’t an over eater, he’s just dumb enough to eat a bright blue pill.
I have no advice regardng George’s biscuit bowl, we feed Bob in another room, which is gated off. It’s also where we keep his litter box, which in their opinion is also a biscuit dish. 🙂
Yikes Delilah is going to give you a heart attack one day. 🙂 Glad all is well.
We keep peroxide on hand should we need to induce doggie vomiting. We change it each year because it can turn back into water when it gets old. We write the date we bought it on the side with a sharpie. Good idea on the honey bear. 🙂 We have a liquid medication dispenser. We had to give Storm the treatment once when she ate some of the plastic door on her dog house (no more door for her). It is scary to have to use the stuff.
She is determined to kill me one way or another.
I did not know it could change back to water. Thankfully mine was still good. I will get a fresh one and make a mental note to replace it on a certain date. How long is it good for, do you know?
I’m glad Storm was ok after her plastic eating experience.
I suspect Storm and Delilah may somehow be related….:-)
Oh my gosh! I am so glad Delilah is alright (and that was a brillant idea to use Mr. Honey Bear, by the way). The only frantic-my-dog-ate-something-possibly-life-threating phone call I have made was after Rosy ate an entire box of Girl Scout samoas cookies. I was worried about the chocolate but she was fine. I have never heard about making your dog throw up but now I know how if I ever need to, although I guess I need to buy some honey in one of those containers.
p.s. sorry about the loss of your cheese stick! 🙂
Thank goodness Rosy was ok. Did you have to bring her to the vet?
Surprisingly a couple of people suggested a turkey baster, which would have worked just as well as Mr. Honey Bear, but in my panicked mind I didn’t think of it.
P.S. I think I ate the cheese stick. 🙂
Glad to hear she’s alright! I had to do that to Gwynn (he ate a ziplock bag with a napkin and the history-of-a-taste-of-food in it), and it took FOREVER to make him ill… And, of course, I spent over an hour with him out in the yard trying to make him sick, gave up, called the vet, and brought him inside, at which point, he puked. Awesome.
I remember that post!! I knew you had done it, but for the life of me (in my panicked state of mind) I couldn’t remember WHO had done it.
Thankfully, both of our silly dogs are ok.
oh Good God that crazy Delilah!! I hope she’s ok now!
She was perfectly fine. That little )&$(*##(*$&(!~!!
I’m so glad she is okay…still laughing about the cheese stick though 🙂
One time Riva ate my pin cushion, you know the little red apple looking ones, I had no idea how many pins were in it so there was no way of knowing if she ingested them or just chewed them and spit them out; I found many bent in half. When I called the vet they said it could take up to three days to know if she actually swallowed any and to keep a close eye on her, that was the longest three days but thankfully nothing ever happened and she was fine. Needless to say I don’t use a pin cushion anymore and I keep the pins in a drawer when not in use.
OMG Misty! You must have been beside yourself! I have to keep the thread put away because Bob loves to eat it. One time he got it wrapped around his tongue and needed emergency surgery.
Honestly who would have thought a pin cushion?
Thank goodness for Mr. Honey Bear!