January 12, 2012, I am awarded the 7 x 7 Link Award from Shoes on the Wrong Feet. I leave Shoes a comment thanking her for the award and then…..well I just wrote about other things. I think I should publicly thank her, so thank you Shoes for thinking of me.
The 7 x 7 award is very similar to the Seven Links Challenge, which I absolutely dreaded doing, I mean going through 420 posts to find SEVEN posts is difficult. Rather than go through all 420, I decided to go with some of my more recent posts.
Most Surprisingly Successful: A Christmas Miracle. I wrote this post on a whim. It was supposed to be my follow-up Friday post but I saw this writing prompt and the story just about flew out of my finger tips. I had the most comments and the most views that day.
Most Underrated: The Legacy of Michael Vick. I know, I’m hung up on this one, but damn it, the topic was current and it should have been slightly controversial considering I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and I am a huge dog lover, AND it should have been pressed!!
Most Popular: Pet Blogger Challenge. This was the first time I participated because…..well I didn’t know about it last year. But I really liked the way it was structured, it was almost like I was giving an interview.
Most Beautiful: I had two on this one, To Cassie With Love, which was a letter to my daughter on her graduation from the Army Language School. We had to miss the graduation due to the freak winter storm that left us without power for a week. I was very emotional when I wrote it and thought it came out quite nice. The other one was One From The Bucket List, which was a tribute to my nephew upon his return from Afghanistan.
Most Helpful: Solve A Reader Problem. I’m not really sure if this was helpful or not. I don’t get people writing in to ask me for help with their dogs, so I had to come up with a topic on my own. I went with what helped me with managing all the blogs I follow.
Most Controversial: Blog The Change, Be The Change. While it wasn’t really controversial, I fully expected it to be. You really surprise me sometimes. I talk about putting people in stockades and throwing rotten tomatoes at them and you don’t even blink an eye! LOL what do I have to do to get you riled up?
Most Pride Worthy: This is a really hard one for me, because I don’t always think my posts are the greatest. Sometimes I write one and say, Damn that was good! And then there are other times where I say, what rubbish. I would have to say all of the posts I listed above are Pride Worthy.
I’m also supposed to tell you seven things about myself that you don’t already know. I’ll give this my best shot.
I snore. I snore on my back and I snore on my side and I snore on my stomach and I snore with my mouth closed.
I once snored so loud that my kids knocked on my bedroom door and woke me up to stop snoring.
I love to cook, and while I can sometimes prepare a fancy dish, I like to keep my dishes pretty simple and straight forward.
I love to bake. Baking is my thing. I love baking cookies, brownies, and pies. YUM
I was recently diagnosed with food allergies to wheat, peanut butter, clams, scallops and sesame seeds. OMG those are five of my favorite foods.
Because of the wheat allergy my Dr. has recommended I go gluten-free.
This really puts a damper on my baking. 🙁
The last part of this award is to pass it on to seven bloggers who I love to read. In the past, I have passed awards on to people who never picked them up or did the challenge. So in order to avoid that happening again I am putting my own twist on this.
If YOU would like to do the 7 x 7 Award, please pick it up from my side bar and go for it.
And also, I’d like to know how you think I did with choosing my blog posts. Did I miss any? Were there some you thought fit better?
Book update is the same as yesterday, but I hope to work on it tomorrow.

Isn’t that funny? I’m allergies to most of my favourite foods. There is a wacky theory that says that we crave the foods we are allergies too. Definitely true for me! Found out this week that I have a pretty serious allergy to something I eat, probably every day. Headed back to the allergist to find out what it is.
Congrats on your award!! You definitely deserve it. These awards can be fun, but I know I’m definitely guilty of missing them from time to time. I wish there were more hours in the day!
Congrats on your award!
Sorry to hear about the allergies – perhaps you can have some adventures in gluten-free baking? I have a few friends who are gluten-free, and it sounds like there are some good recipes out there.
Congratulations on a well deserved award Jodi.
Not really one for all these challenges and awards, a bit like all the memes that float round so I admire people who do participate. Well done. There is plenty of gluten free produce around these days and loads of recipes – plus, people are a lot more aware of it and won’t treat you like an outcast (hopefully!)
I think you did a super job with covering the requirements for the award/challenge. I think some of them are a lot of work with a lot of RULES. Sort of takes the FUN out of it.
I REALLY like the idea of saying… here it is.. IF you would like it, help yourself. No hard feelings that way On Either Side.
Congrats on your award. I think you did a great job of picking posts for the categories. You know I particularly liked the one about putting animal abusers in the stockades. 🙂
Bummer about the wheat allergy. That would put a damper on my love affair with bread.
A wheat allergy is tough…I do notice that I respond to wheat with congestion, but I couldn’t manage to do without it. I have tried a bunch of the gluten-free breads though, and many of them are pretty good. I am certain that if you’re a good cook, you’ll be able to do a lot with those recipes!
Congratulations on your award. I like the posts that you picked, and I agree.
I also like how you are giving us the opportunity to pick up the award!
I know I have to respond to the award that you recently awarded to me – it’s been a while now – but I will post about it sooner than later. I only have one other award (from you also), but I found out that it takes me a while to gather my thoughts! Thanks again though!
Excellent choices on your post picks! Somehow I missed the one on Michael Vick and think you are right that it should have been pressed.
Glad I was able to pass along an award to you! I hope some of your readers pick it up and run with it too.
It sounds like you were really hoping to rile people up with a couple of your posts. I suspect that your readers trust you. We don’t jump to conclusions because we know you’re smart and we wait to see what you have in store for us before we go off the deep end.
They were great pieces. You’ve done some wonderful writing.
Thanks Pamela, I really appreciate your comments. They make me feel like I have some intelligence. LOL
I’m not sure I really wanted to rile anyone up, but I was definitely cautious with some of my view points, I would hate to lose readers because I ticked someone off.