We had another nice long walk through the snow this morning with our extended pack.
I found out from my walking buddy that the guy who allows hunters on his land, now has chickens. Yes, another reason why Delilah must not be allowed off leash in that area.
Our walks go something like this, we do a loop then we let the dogs run around in the field for a few minutes, lather, rinse, repeat.
Since it is winter and the leaves are off the trees, it is much easier to wander deeper into the woods, which we did. We found a spot where the deer had spent the night.
On one of our trips into the field Delilah and Brady got their zoomies on. The funny thing was that somehow Delilah started to lose her vest.
I tried getting her attention by calling her, but she was having so much fun with Brady, that I let her run. As you can see the vest didn’t seem to hinder her running.
I found myself just standing there watching and laughing hysterically because it was so comical. Eventually she got it off on her own.
I picked it up and she came over to me and waited as if to say, “Please put my vest back on.”
As I was fixing her vest, Sampson and Brady decided to play with a stick.
After about an hour and 15 minutes of walking, we decided to head home. My buddy and I ended up just standing chatting and I was very impressed because the dogs all stayed right with us.
We weren’t even in the door two minutes before Sampson was on the couch. Delilah joined him shortly after.
They’re still there now. Of course, they changed positions once or twice.
I’m sorry the weekend is over already, I can hear Monday calling my name.
How was your weekend? Were you busy or relaxed? Or were you like us, a little bit of both?
Book Update: My book has 4,734 words.

Delilah went…. STREAKING????? BaaaaWaaaaah
LMAO Frankie, I didn’t think of it that way!!
I am not surprised Sampson and Delilah were out. I think they get more tired running in the cold and snow.
So how was my weekend?….busy! Had solo puppy duty because hubby had to go up to the cabin and clear snow. They got about 12 inches last week and not only did he have to plow (we need propane) but he also had to rake the roof. Thunder and Storm went along and I heard they were out at about 5 pm. lol. I had a funeral yesterday and then took pup back to breeder for an immunization, (and he got to play with a few brothers and sisters who haven’t gone to their homes yet). So like your two, and Thunder and Storm, puppy was wiped out last night and so was I. lol
Wow it sounds like you had a busy weekend! But what a great bonding opportunity for you and Freighter.
I’m sorry about the funeral part. That is always sad. I had a wake on Friday night, (a friend’s grandfather.)
Looks like they had loads of fun. In that one picture, it looks like Delilah was wearing orange undies!!
Nice job on the word count on your novel, you’re cruising right along!
LOL they did have loads of fun and I said to my friend it looks like a diaper!
Thank you Donna, I am trying really hard to put this together, I expect you are doing the same? 🙂
Eh, I’m trying. I FORCED out 800 words yesterday. They were not my best. Here is the issue…I have passed the climax of my book, and am just wrapping it up. (Yay!) But I’m finding it tough to do that while still keep it interesting…and I feel so uncreative lately, it’s making it all the harder. 🙁
Ok Donna. How can I help you?
I love the photo of the dogs on the couch, relaxing after all that playing! Priceless!
Thanks Barb, that is usually where you find my dogs, especially Sampson. 🙂
Smart that your dog has an orange vest – easier to find in the snow! Cute post:)
It really does help. My friend said she saw them from far off!
Aren’t snow zoomies just the CUTEST thing? I love watching them. Our weekend was nothing special. I spent it trapped inside on the couch.
Gosh I hope you feel better soon Jodi! How long have you been sick? Is it a cold or something else?
Ahh, Sampson. We call that sleeping pose “belly to the wind” over here and when Dexter was younger that was pretty much the only way he would sleep propped up by a couch, bed, or wall.
Oh that’s so cute. Belly to the wind…..Sampson sleeps like that all the time. 🙂 What kind of dog is Dexter?
So cute that she came back to have her vest put back on!
She can be such a good girl at times……
Love those photos! I often wonder how Sophie would deal with snow.
Our weekend was low key for once: our flyball team traveled to LA without us (I couldn’t get the time off) and it sounds like they mostly got rained out which is too bad. But that left Sophie and I with classes to attend. Obedience was rained out. So I made the executive decision to skip agility and instead go watch two of my trainers compete in an NADAC agility trial. Lots of fun to watch! Very inspiring and motivating. Then Sunday, I spent it scrapbooking while sophie spent it retrieving her kong 🙂
Wow that stinks that you couldn’t get the time off, but would you want to be there in the rain, anyway?
Scrapbooking is so nice, I haven’t done it in a long time and I do miss it. I have so many pictures to scrap but not enough time in the day. 🙁
I replied too many times, and it wouldn’t let me reply above. LOL!
Thanks – but you have your own novel to worry about and you appear to be on a role.
I’m sure I’ll muddle through! Unless, of course, you want to write the ending for me….
We are all here to help each other. Let me know what you need. Someday I may need your help.
Thanks Jodi! if I think of anything I’ll let you know. Right now, I can’t come up with much more than the kick in the rear, which you’ve already given me on facebook – and maybe watching your novel’s progress will help too! And don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions or need help either…
Thanks Donna, I’m actually shifting gears and working on a story for the AKC writing contest. I know, I know time is ticking away!
You’re so lucky to have all that snow. I saw snow for the first time a few weeks ago but it was gone by that afternoon, it was great fun though – while it lasted.
Love your blog