My sweet little granddaughter turned one on the 9th. Her party was scheduled for the 7th, but she had a stomach bug and so it was postponed. To today.
It was a snowing this morning when we got up, but seeing how my granddaughter’s party was at our house, I wanted to make sure the dogs got their exercise in.
I put their reflective vests on and headed out to the field. I had some Taste of the Wild kibble in my treat pouch so I took the risk and dropped Delilah’s leash. She took off across the field but came running back every time I called her.
After we cut through the field, we headed off into the woods, on our way back down towards the field Sampson ran ahead, by this time I was holding Delilah’s leash and I looked down for some reason, I heard a dog bark in the field and when I looked up, Sampson was gone.
Delilah and I kept walking towards the field and I kept calling him but wasn’t having much luck, finally I saw a dog at the bottom of the hill and forgetting that Sampson was wearing a reflective vest I said, “Come here.”
Thankfully it was Brady, my walking buddy’s dog. She also had Kodak with her and so we all walked together.
While we were making our trip back down the hill to the field, I saw another dog at the bottom of the hill. My buddy and I quickly figured out that it was another woman who typically walks anywhere from 4 to 8 dogs. None of the dogs have collars on and I’m pretty sure none of the dogs are registered with the town.
A while back my walking bud and this woman had a little tiff, and they no longer speak, so I asked my friend if she wanted to keep walking down the hill. She said, lets and we’ll head toward the field.
Meanwhile the four dogs had run down to greet the other dogs.
By the time we got to the field, all four of our dogs were back with us and the woman and her pack had left.
We decided to let the pups run and play a little in the field.
Delilah and Brady really play well together, and they do an awful lot of running.
Sampson and Kodak fought over a stick. Silly dogs.
I noted to my walking buddy, how the dogs (Sampson, Delilah, Brady and Kodak) seemed to recognize themselves as a pack. They went and greeted the other dogs and then immediately came back to each other and us.
After about 50 minutes, we headed home, where the dogs went to sleep.
I have to say my goal of tiring them out worked. Even though Delilah did go up on the counter once, she did pretty good today.
And although a bunch of people cancelled due to snow, my sweet little granddaughter finally had her first birthday party.
Happy belated birthday Chili, your Mimi loves you!
Word count: My book has 4,033 words.

And how easy it is for them to tell their pack from the other. “We’re the Collar and ID wearing gang and those other dogs are the Nakey Gang.”
Happy Birthday to your Granddaughter!
LOL Donna, I love that!! They are definitely bonding as a pack.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, she is a sweet little girl, and so much fun. She fell in love with the column between the dining room and rec room. Since she is walking now, she kept peeking around it and smiling at me. Such a joy they are.
NICE winter fun you all had together as a PACK!!
Thanks for birthday wishes Frankie, and yes we have fun as a pack. Much like you and Ernie.
Neat post. A fun romp with the pups and a birthday party with the granddaughter. Life doesn’t get much better.
You are right on that one Big Al!
Sounds like a really wonderful day. It is great that Delilah is getting so good at coming back when you call her.
Happy 1st Birthday to the birthday girl!
Thank you, the little princess had a great day. 🙂
Delilah does good in some areas, but in other areas she’s awful. I guess I just need to remember where she needs help and grab the leash. At least in this manner she gets a little bit of running.