Last week when Sampson, Delilah and I had our Sunday morning walk, I discovered (what I thought) was a new trail.
I asked Hubby if he would like to join us this week and explore our ‘new’ trail.
Let’s say this….when I’m ready to go hiking I put the collars on the dogs, spray them down with flea/tick spray, grab my camera, cell phone, pepper blaster, treat bag and some bags to carry waste. I throw on a jacket (when required) grab the leashes and go. (It sounds like a lot but really doesn’t take all that much time to get out the door.)
It has been a while since Hubby last joined us on one of our adventures and he decided he wanted to bring some water.
Then it turned into a search of the black hole (my closet) for a particular backpack.
Finally we had everything we needed; we loaded the dogs in the car and headed for the field.
Hubby said, “I’ll try and keep up with you, just remember it’s been a while since I’ve done this.”
“We’ll try not to get too far ahead, and if you need to stop just let me know.” I had to turn my head slightly over my right shoulder to see him.
Then Hubby says, “I also packed an extra fleece, just in case you fall in the water.”
My inner bitch said, “Are you kidding me? Ummmm the last time someone fell in the water, let me think, wait for it, umm yeah, that wasn’t me.”
I said, “Ok, what a great idea.”
MIB then said, “What other kind of useless crap are you going to carry around unnecessarily for the next 2 hours?”
Instead I said, “The easiest way is to go down the blue and yellow to the rail trail, the path I saw is just down the trail a ways.”
As it turns out I either a) couldn’t find the trail I had seen or b) what I thought was a new trail actually wasn’t. 🙁
Instead we re-visited the cliffs and I took a bunch of pictures of ‘famous’ landmarks along our trail (look for tomorrow’s post) and no-one fell in the water.
I was saddened when we got back to the car and only an hour and 10 minutes had passed, I had been hoping for a 2 hour hike. 🙂
Hubby said he thought the hike was about 50 minutes too long. :-0

I love that picture!
LOL on your hubby, so did he keep up?
ps thank you thank you for the wonderful award, I was so excited when I saw it.
I love that picture too!
Yes, he stayed with us pretty much most of the way, although he was almost always behind us. 🙂
You are more than welcome for the award, and very worthy!! I love reading about your girls and your new little charges. I also learn a lot from you. Keep up the good work. 🙂
Thank you:)
I love YIB, she was thinking the same thing as me ;0) Too bad your hike was disappointment though!
LOL it seems we share more than just a name….;-)
MIB (My Inner Bassa) thinks you are very funny Jodi 🙂 Too bad you couldn’t find the new trail and show Hubby what an explorer you are!
Thanks Bassa, I have to say the other word because when I say, “MY Inner Bassa) it just doesn’t sound right. 😉
Oh yes I would have loved to explore a totally new trail!
Sometimes MIB is hard to stifle too.
Most of the time I have her under control Jan, but sometimes well she is quicker than me. 🙂
Glad no one fell in the water. 😉
Wonderful picture, but I will admit that I have a bit of a fear of heights and that picture makes me squirm a bit. 😆
Me too. 🙂
Yes I worry about them around the cliffs…..Delilah thinks she is mountain goat and really would attempt to go climb down. When I took the scary picture (you will see it tonight) I made sure the dogs were well away from the cliffs and secure with hubby. Just in case I fell, I didn’t want to drag one of them with me.
Where is this area Jodi? Looks like a great place to walk.
It is in CT Big Al, a short walk from my house.
The trail system leads us to a park, that has a swimming area and walking trails. These cliffs overlook the park.
Hmmmm….I wonder why he doesn’t come very often.
He says it’s because he hurt his knee….I think it may be more his frustration with Delilah. But it’s cool, as long as I can do it by myself and he can join on occasion, it works for me!
Knee injuries are definitely no fun.
oh too Funny lol. Love the photo how beautiful their coats look in the sunshine!