I mentioned last night that the blog received the Liebster Award, from our friend Bassas over at Bassas Blog.
Apparently Liebster is German for dearest. The Liebster is to recognize and gain exposure for lesser known blogs. (Less than 200 followers.).
The rules for the Liebster Award are:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
I really want to thank Bassas for this award, the write-up describing my blog was one of the sweetest things ever said about this blog and I’m so honored and humbled by this award.
2. Reveal your top five picks {with less than 200 readers} and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
I’ve thought about this for the better part of 24 hours, while I love all of your blogs, I am only allowed to present it to five, so in no particular order here are my five picks
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
Check, it’s in my side-bar.
4. Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favourite up-and-coming bloggers and keep it going!
Thanks again to Bassas and congratulations to the new Liebster awardees, I look forward to reading about your picks.
Bassas Blog says
Congratulations Jodi and also to the 5 blogs you have given the award to – I shall go and visit thyem
Jodi Stone says
Thank you again for nominating the blog, I really appreciate it!
2browndawgs says
Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing. I will have my post up Thursday (well that is the plan at least ;)).
Jodi Stone says
You are very welcome, I love reading about the 2Brown Dawgs and I know others will as well. :=)
Donna and the Dogs says
Thanks again Jodi! How did you determine which blogs have less than 200 readers?
Jodi Stone says
Ummmmm……did I mess up? Do you have more than 200 readers?
In most cases I tried to see if it listed the subscribers on the site, I couldn’t find it for yours and if I made a wrong assumption, I do apologize. I didn’t mean to offend.
Donna and the Dogs says
Oh – no – I didn’t mean it that way. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I’m just trying to figure out how to pick five of my own….?
Jodi Stone says
Oh good, I thought for a second I had made a mistake.
Some of the blogs list have a “join 59 other subscribers” next to their e-mail subscription button.
A couple I know just recently started and I assumed they wouldn’t have 200 readers yet.
Donna and the Dogs says
Oh, cool. Thanks for the info. I know one of them is definitely brand new. Some are new to me though, so I’ll probably check how many comments they are getting too…
Thanks again for picking me, (and glad you got picked too) – don’t be surprised if I don’t put it up until next week…but I’ll definitely get around to it soon.
Frankie Furter says
CONGRATULATIONS on the cool drool award.
Jodi Stone says
Thank you Frankie! Is that what it’s called? Drool award? LOL
shoes says
Congratulations on your award Jodi and thank you very much for sharing the blog award love with me. I am looking forward to checking out your other four picks. I am working on my post and hope to have it up tomorrow (although between the daily demands of my two boys and my ramdom attempt to make chocolate-covered buttercream cherries this morning this might be a bit optimistic).
Jodi Stone says
You are more than welcome! I really enjoy reading your blog.
And take your time with it, it took me a bit of thinking and reasearching.
Buttercream cherries sound YUM!
Kristine says
Congratulations on your award! It sounds like such a great idea! I love the name too. I’ll make sure to check out the blogs I haven’t heard of before.
PS. Don’t you ever take a break?
Jodi Stone says
Thanks Kristine, I had seen the award on a couple of other blogs, funny how I don’t think myself ‘award worthy.’
I can’t take a break…..I’m driven to succeed with this blog.