Irene is coming to town.
At least that is what the weather forecasters are predicting. Even though it looks like she will be down-graded to a tropical storm by the time she hits us, it is still serious business. Really, in Connecticut we are normally in the snow business. Yes occasionally we get the tornado, or hurricane but it’s just not something we do regularly.
The last significant hurricane we had here (that I remember) was Gloria back in 1985. We were without power for a week. A week. Seven days. 168 hours give or take. Thankfully we were able to leave our homes and with the neighborhood effort, we somehow managed to maintain a semblance of clean.
I was reminded of another hurricane we had after Gloria, but it didn’t make that big of an impact on me, because I don’t remember it.
So we are battening down the hatches in preparation for the big deal.
What have we done?
The puppies were walked first thing this morning, there is a good probability that we may not be able to walk tomorrow, in which case I will be thinking of games we can play. 🙂
Everything that was on the deck, that could be moved inside has been.
Anything that can’t be moved inside has been strapped down.
At the advice of the weather channel, we have filled some jugs along with plastic bags with water. These are tucked nicely into our freezer.
We have a lot of large trees around the house, specifically over the bedroom. So we have decided if necessary we will sleep in my scrapbook/craft room and to that end we have set up make-shift sleeping areas.
We are as prepared as we can be.
If you are on the East Coast, we hope you are too.
Be safe.

I am on the West Coast but am thinking of you all. It looks like you are very well prepared. Are the puppies scared of storms? Our 11 year old German Shepard mix, Dexter, is terrified of anything stronger than a light hail storm. Hope Irene is all bark and no bite!! 🙂
The puppies are ok with storms, sometimes Sampson barks at the thunder, but for the most part they are ok. Poor Dexter, do you have anything to help him?
Thank you for thinking of us!
Looks like you got your Pawrents all ready for the Hurry Cane Sampson and Delilah, nice job.
I will keep my paws crossed for all the pups and peeps on the east coast.
woos, Tessa
Thank you Tessa, we appreciate the support!
Be safe! Trying to keep track on things your way, hope she dosn’t hit you to hard.
Prayers for you and your family!
Thanks Misty, we are hoping the same thing! Hope all is well with you.
It looks like you have everythingy as ready as it can be. I will keep my paws crossed fur you!!! Stay safe.
Thanks Frankie, we hope you are safe and away from the storm.