My poor punkin doesn’t feel well.
Last night he vomited. I am going to spare you the details.
Oh don’t get me wrong, there are many funny, and gross comments racing through my mind, but I want you all to keep reading. 🙂
Hubby said his tummy felt tight when he rubbed it; but he took his treats like normal.
This morning he really didn’t want to get out of bed; so I felt his nose. It was cold and moist. I revved him up with “Who wants some chicken necks?” He got out of bed.
Poor punkin couldn’t hold down his chicken necks. Luckily for me, mom was on the scene (I was already at work) so I didn’t have to clean it up this time. 🙂
I called the vet as soon as I heard he’d been sick again.
The vet called back this afternoon. Imagine what she said.
“Don’t feed him. He can have a little bit of water and 20 mg of Pepcid AC. If he doesn’t vomit again, you can give him some bland food tomorrow and slowly increase until he is back to full meals.”
I have one question about this….
Throw-up WHAT? If he doesn’t eat anything, how will I know whether he can hold it down or not?
I pressured her into letting me give him a tablespoon of cooked chicken and a tablespoon of rice.
For a 90 pound dog. A lab. Yeah right.
Which brings me to that eternal question. If a dog vomits outside and no-one sees him, does he still get his normal meals?
Of course he does!
If he had vomited outside and I didn’t know it, I would feed him his normal meal, right?
I cooked up a pound of beef, about a quarter of a pound of chicken breast and threw is some rice I’d been saving for soup.
This is the dog’s equivalent of the BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast) diet you feed your kids when they have an upset tummy.
I gave him one cup for dinner. If he holds this down then tomorrow morning I will give him two cups; and two cups for dinner. Saturday (if he is still keeping everything down) I will feed him two cups in the morning and his raw meal at night.
Some days I really wish they could talk and tell me what’s wrong.

Poor baby, I hope he feels much better by tomorrow.
I agree I wish they could talk, although some days I might not want ot know what Cheyenne has to say 😉
Thank you Misty. Yes there are certainly days we don’t need to hear what they have to say! LOL But times like this I wish they could. Gotta love Cheyenne!
I know what you mean Jodi. My three are passing a virus between them I think. We have been coming home to a mess since last Friday but it isn’t from the vomit end. Uggg, I can tell as soon as I walk in the house and take a breath. They were fine when we were home over the weekend to let them out all day. My problem is figuring out which one it is today. I try to watch them outside to see who it is and it seems they are passing it between the 3 of them. Hopefully we are almost over it. I quit giving them their wet dog food for a couple of days thinking they were ok last night I gave it to them again. My bad!! It will have to be held back a couple more days. They seem fine when I don’t give it to them but they won’t eat as well.
Oh Dianne, that’s awful! I would much rather have it the way I have it.
Do you have them on the rice/chicken diet or are you feeding kibble? No-one to let them out? Can you put paper near the door? Does that help? I’ll be thinking of them and hoping they get better soon!
Oh no! Poor puppy. Hope he is feeling better soon!
Thank you! I hope so too. 🙂
What a sad picture! Just went through this with Queenie. She’s been on a 3/4 cup rice, 3/4 cup steamed chicken and 1/3 cup sweet potato (for roughage) diet for 3 weeks. We’re now getting her weened slowly back on dry food (1/2 cup) and it is working fine. She had the same problem as Dianne’s pups.
Thinking good thoughts for Sampson.
How long was Queenie on this diet? I’ve never heard of the sweet potato. Do you steam or bake it? Is she feeling better?
She was doing much better until she got up on the counter yesterday and ate half a block of butter. That certainly didn’t help.
I don’t know why my last comment came out as anonymous. I’m anything but that.
LOL Delilah does that too! Did the butter make her sick? Once Delilah ate 3 sticks of butter with the wrappers. I waited all day for her to be sick, she drank an awful lot of water and then finally, she spit up a little foam. LOL
Popped in here from Kim’s place at Golden Pines. Glad I did!
Hope punkin is feeling better. New follower here!
Thank you, we appreciate the support and the friendship!! Welcome.
Feel better soon, Pup!!!
You got a nice looking pack here!!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Awww I hope he feels better soon. Have you tried Pumpkin? or is it just for diarrhea?
I haven’t tried pumpkin. I think that is to harden their stool. So far (at least as far as I know) it’s just the vomiting. 🙁
OH NO… I am so very much sorry that the Sickies have come to visit.. Nasty thingys they are. I will cross my paws that they LEAVE as quickly as they arrived.
Thanks Frankie, Sampson appreciates your well wishes.
I hope he feels better soon. Real soon. He looks pitiful. : (
Feel better soon. : ) Such a sad face in that photo.
Thanks Just Ramlin’, I think he is feeling better today.
Poor little thing. I have to say that I find dog vomit kind of…I don’t know, charming. I guess that’s why I’m a dog person! Glad he seems to be feeling better!
LOL no way do I find it charming!!
Poor Sampson! Hope he is feeling better
Thank you Patty!
Poor Sampson! I hope he is on the road to recovery! Keep us posted, I hope all goes well. 🙁
Thanks Kathy, I will update tonight.
hope sampson is feeling bette in no time. i usualy recommend resing their tummy for 24-48 hours. this is to rule out a simple gastroenteritis. if the vomiting continues inspite of no food or water, then i would want to assess the patient. vomiting can be due to pancreatitis, bone obstrution, kidney disease and the list goes on…
Dr Rayya, he had gastroenteritis when he was a puppy. I kept him on the very light food for 36 hours. He held all the light food down and had a normal bowel movement.
My nutritionist said he could have gotten sick from drinking standing water (he drinks the water in his little wading pool) so hubby and I are dumping the water everyday so if he drinks it it’s fresh.
Thanks for your thoughts, it is great to have a blogging bud who’s a vet!