Today is *Follow-up Friday* where I update on the tumultuous week we had, add things I may have forgotten or just in general become very lazy about the writing of this blog. I am also going to include links to a blog or article I might have read that might have some interest to you.
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to share some of your favorite blogs so I might check them out. 🙂
New Horizons – Author’s Note
If you want to train your dog off-leash I highly recommend using a bit of rope; for a couple of reasons. It is very easy to shorten the rope as your dog becomes more responsive in returning to you. The rope is very easy to wash (yes, expect it to get very dirty!) Since the rope has no hooks or clips, the chances of your pet getting the rope stuck on something diminishes a bit.
Keep in mind there is ALWAYS a chance whenever they are dragging something to get it caught, so be careful of how far you let them wander from you. Or better yet, try to practice this in an area that has very few obstacles.
Wordless Wednesday – Author’s Note
No, I did not ‘stage’ this picture, this was taken at our other house, when Delilah first came to us. They barely ever touch when they are sleeping and I thought the picture was cute.
If I could actually stage my dogs, I would have better pictures on this blog. 🙂
The Names Have Been Changed – Author’s Note
I was trying to have fun with the mushroom post. I admit I was under a time constraint because I was heading out to see a show, so I was trying to find some names that weren’t too *naughty*. Originally I wanted to name the first mushroom something having to do with a penis, because that is really what it reminded me of. :-0 In retrospect, I think I would have called it *Spotted Dick*. But because I was in a hurry, my mind didn’t work. 🙁

This little guy should have been named....Spotted Dick for his resemblance to a certain part of the male anatomy.
Blogs – I have a few blogs on my blogroll that I follow religiously. I check my subscriptions every morning to see if there is a new post. Most of them are dog related, but there is one I follow called “The Idiot Speaketh and Pedaleth”.
The fellow who writes it (Mark) loves to spin the tales, you can never be sure what exactly is truth and what is not and he willingly admits this. He did have a post this week that I really enjoyed, reading it actually gave me goosebumps.
If you want to check out the post that I really enjoyed, click HERE.
That’s all I have for today, peace out.

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