awww… poor guy. He’s looking like, “What did I do wrong? Why do I deserve this? *SIGH* ”
My mom brought Gwynn back a bandana that says “My owner went to Disney and all I got was this stupid bandana”… it will likely come out around xmas time…because it’s red… and I occasionally like to dress my pets up in strange clothing.
He puts up with it surprisingly well. My sister dressed him in one of her hockey shirts, and posted a video of him here:, near the bottom of the post. He didn’t seem at all perturbed by it, especially considering he was still willing to do some tricks for the camera. I’m not sure how he’d handle a hat, though.
Too funny! Poor Sampson. He looks like the saddest doggy in the world. “Why? Why must I wear this awful thing on my head? Why?” The photo is just perfect. 🙂
I’ve never tried to put a hat on my dog’s head but I imagine her reaction would be similar. Either that or the hat would be immediately destroyed!
awww… poor guy. He’s looking like, “What did I do wrong? Why do I deserve this? *SIGH* ”
My mom brought Gwynn back a bandana that says “My owner went to Disney and all I got was this stupid bandana”… it will likely come out around xmas time…because it’s red… and I occasionally like to dress my pets up in strange clothing.
LOL you better post a picture! Does Gwynn like to dress up?
He puts up with it surprisingly well. My sister dressed him in one of her hockey shirts, and posted a video of him here:, near the bottom of the post. He didn’t seem at all perturbed by it, especially considering he was still willing to do some tricks for the camera. I’m not sure how he’d handle a hat, though.
Love it!
😛 LOL this is too cute.
That’s the cutest picture of Samson Ever! Love it!!
Thank you Kathy and KAS.
Too funny! Poor Sampson. He looks like the saddest doggy in the world. “Why? Why must I wear this awful thing on my head? Why?” The photo is just perfect. 🙂
I’ve never tried to put a hat on my dog’s head but I imagine her reaction would be similar. Either that or the hat would be immediately destroyed!
Trust me, it didn’t stay on for long! LOL
Shiva reminds me a lot of Delilah….I can’t imagine the hat lasting long.