Generally I try to be a very positive person, but trying to get this writing career of mine off the ground is really discouraging me. Please don’t get me wrong, I have some very awesome friends and family who continue to read every day, to like my posts and to comment on my blog and I appreciate you more than I will ever be able to express. Some day if I ever get my career off the ground, I intend to have a really big party and invite you all!
I like to think I am a realistic person, I know I am not J.K. Rowling and I certainly don’t have a Harry Potter novel in me; I think I’m capable of being a writer and making a modest living at it. I am not one of the people who think they are perfect, in fact I am very aware of my flaws and limitations and have no problem sharing those. I am also not a mother who thinks her children can do no wrong and that extends to my dogs; as you obviously know if you have ever read anything I have written about Delilah.
So when I tell you that Sampson is special and that I want to share him with the world, it is not just my thoughts or ideas. Anyone that meets Sampson falls in love with him; even if you are not a dog person you will love Sampson. Besides being adorable, his personality is amazing and it terrifies me that he is getting older and I still have not shared him with enough people.
I’m not writing this so you all say, “Oh Jodi, don’t give up, you are a good writer” and all kinds of other stuff. Why I’m writing this is to get your ideas. So far, I’ve established facebook pages for both of the dogs, I have this blog and I have Sampson’s website, the problem is I don’t know what to do next or how to generate interest. When I went to the Pet Writing Conference in February there was a woman there who was trying to find someone interested in her book, she was showing someone, her dog has over 5,000 friends on facebook. I sit here and go WTF? Everyday I update those facebook pages! I put funny sayings and thoughtful sayings and Sampson has lost 4 fans in the last month! I guess I feel like I’m at an impasse and I wonder, am I too focused? Am I overlooking something I should/could be doing?
You all have been so supportive of me and always help me when I ask, so I ask you now, do you have any thoughts as to what I can do to help move this along? If you aren’t comfortable leaving a message, send me an e-mail
Thanks for reading and sticking through this pity party blog.

I understand your lament. – but hey, when do I get to meet Sampson? 🙂
You know George. That is a great idea! We should have a party for people in the area to stop by and say hello to Sampson. What do you think?
Sure – why not? I’m a fan and I’ve never met the dear boy!
Jodi, Part of getting your writing career launched is the deepseated belief you MUST HAVE in your own authorship. How do you know what is in you unless you aren’t reluctant to let it “all hangout” – to believe what you say and think will be of interest to others? Write to command attention, don’t ask for it. You’ll be fine then.
Mom – try reading facebook pages posted by “animals” like Sockington the cat (he also has Twitter) and the Bronx Zoo Cobra. They have some hilarious quotes and that generates a huge following. I like that you put deep thoughts on Sampson’s and Delilah’s pages but try putting posts of what you think they would ACTUALLY say or think. A lot of the quotes you post are really deep and philosophical, most people don’t connect those and animals together. Just try putting yourself in Sampson or Delilah’s brain….. it might help!
I like what Lynn said! I happen to have absolutely gone bananas over that Bronx Zoo Cobra stuff, I was quoting it myself, it was hysterical! hmmmmmm, what would Sampson say if he were loose in Boston for instance? Or on a desert island? Or at a Wesson Oil party? lol. anyway, don’t give up and I am also looking forward to meeting the ‘kids’. Love this soulful look on Sampson in this photo. 🙂
BTW, I also do like many of Sampson’s quotes, especially when he notices dumbass stuff human’s say or do…. 🙂