So here’s what I don’t like about the computer, facebook, e-mail etc. You may remember how I asked everyone to look at my pictures to help me choose the t-shirt and tote bag designs? Well the two pictures that had the most votes (peering over the wall, and winking) don’t have the correct amount of pixels to print on the items! Since I want to get these items ordered right away, I need instant contact! 🙂
So here I sit going through pictures (again) and trying to figure out which ones might work. I don’t believe any of these pictures are on any of the websites so please let me know what you think of my choices.
For the T-Shirt
For the tote bag:
I am also designing a business card and this is the image I chose for that:
I am just working on the information on the back of the card. For instance, do I call myself an “author,” “freelance writer,” “blogger” or something else? I know I sound kind of wishy-washy like I can’t make decisions for myself and part of this is that I am not really confident in myself in regards to this, part of it is I don’t know what people want, but the bigger part is that you guys are so supportive of me and I want to include you in the process! I love you guys for reading this blog, and leaving your comments and just supporting me in general!
I promise once I receive the items to put pictures up so you can see how they turned out (and who knows, you may want a tote or t-shirt for yourself) ;-). In the meantime one more time, what are your thoughts on these pictures?
Laura says
Nothing is ever easy, is it? Well, all three pix’s are cute so that part is done. I vote for either “author” OR “freelance writer”. I will definitely want to purchase a tote and maybe even a t-shirt, when they’re done!!!!! :o) xoxo
Dianne Dionne says
I really like the pictures you have selected. I think they will be perfect. I vote for author. You are the one writing the book. Best of luck!
George says
I think both of the pictures are great. I’m a little on-the-fence about a photo of Sampson on the business card, though. I would say that it fits, thematically, for your conference since it is about pets; however, not sure it’s a fit for a general business card. It might leave the impression that all you write about is dogs.
For me, business cards are a lot like jewelry. In many cases, less really is more. I guess it depends on the message you want to convey.
I guess this is a question for my wife Melissa. She’s a marketing maven; I’ll ask her for some input.
Lindsey says
The pictures are great- he is just cute no matter what!
And I vote author since that is what you are striving to become…the freelance writing and blogging are things you are doing to promote yourself as an author…and you did write the book!!!
Jodi Stone says
Thanks everyone!!