I love the beauty and quiet of the snow. This morning when I woke up (at 6:45!) I stepped out on the screen porch to get some wood for the fire and I stopped for a moment to enjoy the quiet. I’m not really sure what it is, but it’s almost like civilization has stopped. I didn’t hear or see any animals, no noise from cars (or snowblowers, which is what I’m listening to now at 7:30!) just peace and beauty; because when you have enough snow to muffle the everyday sounds of life, that is what you have peace and beauty.
It made me wish my screen porch has glass windows, because even though it would be cold it sure couldn’t be as cold as a screen! Maybe if I go sit on the pool table, I can look out the window at the beauty of the snow, before the sun comes out and it starts to melt, or the dogs and animals track through it, or Chet uses the snow thrower to move it about.

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