Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – July 26, 2015
Taryn said, “Neither one of my guys is much into de-stuffing their toys. However they have de-stuffed a real rabbit or two 😉”
Oh my. I’m not quite sure how I’d react to THAT.
Jan K said, “That is so cute! I’ve seen this done at times too. There is something pretty special about an empty stuffie….it smells good inside or something. :-)”
I have no idea, but in our house, just because a stuffie is empty, does not mean it’s no good. No, they continue to play with it and tear it until I finally have to take it away.
Elaine said, “Haha, I love that bearded guy! I’m probably the only weirdo that re-stuffs my dog’s toys so she can pull it all out again and again…until I’ve finally given up on the poor creature and hide it in the trash can under some other garbage so she doesn’t know that I’ve thrown it away (while she’s outside peeing, of course.) I always feel a little guilty when I do that, lol!”
No you are not! I’ve actually re-stuffed the stuffie. I mean unless it’s so torn up it won’t hold the stuffing, why not?
Jen Gabbard asked, “Aww, how long did he have it before he decided the stuffing had to go? I do like the bearded look if I do say so myself.”
I want to say he’s had that Hedgehog for close to a year, (I think it was last year’s birthday present.) It’s been torn, but as long as there is still form or stuffing in it, we hang on to them.
You should know that Steve is reading the comments and answering questions, so if you left a question, please go back and check to see if he responded.
Monika said, “Wow that stuff sounds fabulous! Sam will be 10 in October and despite his pogo sticking ways, will no doubt need something like this.”
I think it’s very important especially for a dog that does a lot of jumping! Why wait until there is a problem? Get him started on it early.
Hawk aka BrownDog said, “By the way, the Humans have read a couple of articles recently suggesting that “farm raised” fish has little or no benefit and can actually be unhealthy because of the conditions in which they are raised. ”
I absolutely agree with your humans Hawk. Most of what I read indicate the area they are raised in is very small, which also means it gets very dirty and I can’t imagine how much of that ick is absorbed into the fish.
Sue said, ” I shouldn’t even enter since I won the weekly Rejenease giveaway, but what the heck. I’d like to try this with Jeffie, but maybe Rudy and Rosie, too.”
You absolutely SHOULD enter!
Sherri said, “You had me at less shedding……it looks like it’s snowing dog hair in my house. Lightning the Lab Mix sheds like a Husky in the south. Can’t wait to see if it helps him! Plus he will be 9 this fall, and I’ll do anything to keep him going strong. ”
Strong is good. Good luck in the giveaway!
Jan said, “I don’t know what your day job is but you have a great talent for advertising copy writing.”
Well thank you very much! My actual day job is an Administrative Assistant, I do have a degree in Communications and I really love advertising. You think I could parlay that into a job? 😉
Tenacious Little Terrier said, “We used to give Mr. N fish oil but stopped after he had a case of acute pancreatitis. Not sure if this would be too high in fat to give him or not?”
Steve has responded to this comment and suggests checking with your vet before giving it to Mr. N.
Becky said, “We use Alaska Naturals Wild Salmon Oil for Shadow, our 12 year old, Roxy, our 14 year old and Kingsley, our 10 year old. Both Roxy and Kingsley have congestive heart failure and Shadow pup has major skin allergies. Steven, can you tell me if this will add more of what my pups need to help them live well? Oh, arthritis is a factor too. Roxy is my main concern. Thanks Jodi. You always share great information!”
Becky I see that you and Steven have connected via the comments.
Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes for my boy. It was a low key kind of day. He got a new toy (which Delilah promptly took away from him) and of course, lots and lots of love!
This is not the picture I wanted to post. I have one of me sitting on the floor in front of the couch with him curled up in my arms and I have the biggest smile on my face, but I couldn’t find it!!
Kari said, “Aw, this post makes me so happy. Surprising though, that you didn’t already have a Delilah in mind when you named him!”
Oh but we did! Originally we intended on taking two puppies, but were advised against getting litter mates. Once we saw him, we fell in love and he was the one. When I decided to get Delilah, Hubby only agreed if her name could be changed to Delilah. Somehow Toby and Ginny just don’t seem right. 😉
Jan K said, “Our late Maggie was Lab/Golden (with a little shepherd) and she was an awesome dog too.”
I don’t want to say it too loud, but it really is a nice mix.
Taryn said, “And I bet those 11 years have just flown by in the blink of an eye!”
I wish I could have slowed them down.
Flea said, “LOOKIT BABY SAMPSON!!! *squeeee* He’s so darn CUTE!!”
Isn’t he just?
Monika said, “♪ღ♪░H░A░P░P░Y░ B░I░R░T░H░D░A░Y░░♪ღ♪ Sampson :-)”
Thank you! And how pray tell, did you make it look like that?
Jan said, “That was beautiful, Jodi {wipes water from cheek] Happy birthday to a special dog. I didn’t realize he was a product of a mixed marriage. :-)”
Thank you Jan, shh, don’t tell anyone, but his parents weren’t married.;-) His mom was scheduled to be bred to a Golden but some neighborhood scalawag got her. We actually didn’t know until she’d had the litter if we were getting a Golden or a mix.
Jen Gabbard said, “Some dogs just have a way into our hearts like no other, it’s beautiful & frightening at the same time.”
It sure is. Our bond is so strong and so amazing and I’m terrified of the day when he will no longer be with me.
Talent Hounds said, “I know what you mean as my girls are pretty well out and Kilo is my baby (and my project). It is his birthday and Gotcha Day next week. He will be 3. Hopefully love, patience, treats and training will help him become the good boy he is meant to be. XS”
Oh he will! It takes time and patience but it is so worth it. Our little aloof Delilah has turned into quite the love bug.
Well that’s it for me folks. I hope you have a nice weekend! Remember to enter our contest for the Omegease and please share it on Facebook for an extra entry!

The secret to re-stuffing is to sew up the hole. If your sewing talent is anything like Mom’s, you do it with black thread, no matter what color the toy is, and there are a hundred knots and strings hanging.
Love and licks,
Happy Friday, Jodi. Let me just say the simplest way if you ever need/want the HB banner is to ‘cut and paste’ (this is ASCII art and will make you otherwise pull out your hair – it’s definitely challenging for the impatient; I’ve saved a number of them over the years). Ear scratches for the fur-kids and a wonderful weekend to you. 🙂
Great follow-up as always, my friend! Maybe you SHOULD parlay your natural communication ability — and degree — into an advertising job. Glad Sampson had a good birthday!! Just curious, did any of his littermates end up looking like Goldens (ie long, flowing locks of fur and feathering on their legs & tails)?
I do not know that one Sue. He did have one golden sister, “Angel” that was fluffier than he was, but I never saw any of those puppies again.
You have me thinking that a future dog might have to be a golden/lab mix now. I wonder if that will be a hard mix to find or not.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Jodi, just wanted to let you know that I nominated you to participate in the 8 Photos of Happiness tag. I had heaps of fun finding photos to share! If you decide to accept, check out the details on my latest post: http://www.pavedbypawprints.com/8-photos-of-happiness/
Great follow-up. I am still trying to catch up.
another great follow up that I’m so late on.