You make me smile (or laugh), the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the way you stop eating your Kong and just stare at it, knowing someone will help you get the goodies out…
You make me smile.
What do your dogs do when they can’t solve their puzzle? Will they come to you for help?Sampson will either bounce the Kong until he gets the pineapple out, or he just stops all together.
I’ll tell you how Delilah handles it next week.

If Cody can’t get the treats out of a toy (and can’t chew it open!) he will cock his head to the side, put his ears up, and just look cute until I come and help him out! He knows how to get what he wants 😉
Oooh, a Kong! Earl will just whine if he can’t retrieve the treats from the toy. Ethel will just keep at it until she’s successful, and with her willpower, it doesn’t take long at all! And then, some minutes later, Earl’s toy is emptying out a little.
I am NOT a problem solver. I will use Sampson’s technique every time. Just wait. Mom will help. Then she will say the word of “spoiled.”
Love and licks,
I really work problems well, but Bailie gives up quickly and wants Mom to help her out.
Aw, love the look on his face! “Why won’t it come out of there?”
hahaha your so damn cute. Have a great Sunday and Fathers Day!
My dogs don’t give up until each bit of goodness is gone.
My dogs have learned to get up as high as they can and bounce the Kong off the floor to get stuff to fall out.
Rita will stand there with a look that clearly says, “Do it for me, Momma.”
Pineapple in the Kong? Rita would look at me like I was insane if I put fruit in her Kong. I think she’s part cat. Fruit (and most veggies) are NOT on her menu.
That is too funny….it’s almost like he is willing it to come out to him!
Merlin has a treat ball that he rolls around. If it gets stuck, he whines for help. Once Merlin rolled his treat ball into his ceramic food bowl that hard it smashed and then he growled at the broken pieces lol.
hahaha that is hilarious. Koda will stare at the door knob on the front door when he needs to pee. LOL I think he is trying to “use the force” hahaha!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Sam gives me the “look” as if I purposefully set out to torture him. He’ll walk around it, nudge it several times with his nose and then give me that plaintive look as if to say ‘help me for crying out loud’. The pitifulness alone is priceless. When his efforts have been rewarded, he acts like it’s Christmas morning with such a joyful bounciness. I love that he’s so simple-minded at times. 😉
My dogs will both just lose interest and move on to something else–in Fozzie’s case, he’ll lie down dejectedly, and Dahlia will get into some kind of trouble–usually humping Fozzie. They both know I’ll soon take pity on them and help them with the puzzle…or just give them their food in a bowl so they don’t have to work for it 🙂
Hi Y’all!
I throw those treat containers against the wall as hard as I can! Treats fly everywhere!
I’m still workin’ on my new home, Today I’m tryin’ some changes to the format. This will be my third change, although minor, since my move.
Thank you if you have been giving me feedback. I would like to know how this layout is working for you personally.
I appreciate hearing the pros and cons for you when I show y’all a new look.
Y’all hurry on by now!
Hawk aka BrownDog
LOL he has you well trained.
That’s so cute how Sampson just stares at it, lol! Haley will always bring her treat ball to me when there’s just one treat left in it. I helped her out once by shaking the last one out and now she must think that’s how it’s done, haha!
Aren’t dogs hilarious? Louie has the attention span of a goldfish (I think it’s a frenchie thing), so when his toy gets lost under furniture or he can’t get something to work, he just gives up and finds something else to do.
I ask the bipeds to help, after I’ve tried everything I can think of. I don’t get toys with food in because I just scatter it for the cats to play with!
Laika goes nuts with her Kong – she tosses it all about & if the treats don’t come out quick enough she starts getting vocal about it to show us her frustration. It always makes me smile 🙂