When you have a dog like Delilah you have to stay on your toes.
She can go weeks, even months on end without destroying anything in the house. (Although she does have a weakness for napkins, tissues and paper towels).
In fact, she can be so good, that you actually let your guard down. And it’s then, and only then, that she strikes.
In her defense, it’s really our fault.
No really. We know she is a food thief and yet we still leave shit lying around.
Like the hamburger bun I mentioned in yesterday’s post.
Hear me out.
It was a long day and I was tired. I didn’t feel like cooking. I was on my way home from a hair appointment and I asked Hubby to order us some burgers from our local Chili’s.
Since I’m gluten-free I usually order the burger without the bun, but the last time I did it, the cheese stuck to the foil they wrapped the burger in. And that pissed me off.
So this time I ordered the bun. I figured it’s easier to scrape cheese off a bun, then aluminum foil. I mean anyone with silver fillings can tell you exactly how awful aluminum foil is.
**Shiver** I just had a sympathy zap right there.
Except Hubby forgot to tell them to put cheese on the damn burger, so I was slightly disappointed and I took the bun, wrapped it in the foil and tossed it in the sink.
The kitchen sink. You know the one the garbage can sits under?
This was my first mistake.
You see, I could have simply opened the cabinet door and stuck the bun in the bin, but I was lazy and slovenly and I left the bun in the sink.
That was my second mistake.
In my defense, the garbage was full and I intended to take the garbage out and I would have thrown the bun then, but it was a long day and I was tired. Oh wait, I already said that. Geez, it sucks when your mind goes.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the bun. In the sink.
Not to be confused or mistaken for a bun in the oven.
Anyhow, I probably walked past the sink at least twice, each time marveling that the bun was still there and that’s where I became complacent.
Or maybe I was just testing her. Yeah, let’s go with that. I was testing her.
I’m embarrassed to tell you that I actually left that bun in the sink overnight.
I know, I’m disappointed in myself too. There’s just no excuse for my laziness.
As I climbed into bed that night I had a brief and fleeting thought about that bun in the sink and I thought to myself, Delilah will probably get up in the night and eat that bun.
Except she didn’t!
When I got up the bun was still in the sink. So I went to the bathroom and that’s when she went into the sink and took the bun.
She brought it (like she brings all her trashures) into the living room, in front of the fireplace and that’s where she ate it.
To her credit, she left the foil.
I guess the foil bothers her teeth too.

Crack me up, she is gmans twin, I too know he will eat anything in sight but no keep putting stuff on the counter. He ate some buns too this week. Have those fast food places wrap yr burger in lettuce.
Jodi, clearly she was testing you. She probably said to herself “if it is still there in the morning, then it is a sign that they want me to eat it” I hope you asked her if she “would like fries with that” next time?!
SCORE D. We are so with you when it comes to recycling foodables. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Look on the bright side. She is talented enough to unwrap things in foil. We are trying to trust Bailie, but we never know if her being good will last either. Some dogs make it tough.
Sounds like Ducky! She will go for days without being a total brat toward poor Shadow and then BAM! everything Shadow does — or Ducky thinks she’s about to do — evokes a growl or a snap or both. And Shadow has been REALLY good about ignoring Ducky’s tantrums the last several months.
Oh Delilah. At least she didn’t eat the foil. She would have pooped a a pop can.
WE think you gave “HER” every Pawsible chance to get that BUN in the BIN… NOT YOUR FAULT Deliah. NOT at all…
I have to side with Delilah on this one. You didn’t throw the bun away in the morning and in the world of dog rules- if its still there in the morning, its yours.
Next time, you need to throw your bun away in the morning now that you know the dog rule. 😉
Wednesdays wags!
Carma Poodale
BOL at least she didn’t eat the foil! Atka’s the same way. We never know when he will strike 😉
At least she did not eat the foil. 🙂
She was doing her part to help tidy up a little bit. Yeah, that’s all it was. 🙂
I think she was actually testing you! You never threw it out and so she figured you’d forgotten and it was fair game. 🙂
OMD another tissue eating dog like Taffy! She is so bad the Lady has to really watch her, but she knew ahead of time from when she was at her mom’s. We are wondering if there is something that caused this paper obsession, have you heard anything? Oh, and if I find a food treasure at the park like pizza I’ll show mom I have it, because I know I shouldn’t of course. Love Dolly
Oh goodness, every time I read your stories, I just know what I’m in for with Luke in the future. He stole a loaf of frozen French bread off the counter the other day….I thought I had left it far enough back on the counter! Luckily I heard suspicious noises and was able to save it.
He also loves tissues, napkins, and paper towels. I have bad sinuses, and a tendency to leave a tissue sitting next to me. Lately he has been on to that, and he will jump up right next to me and steal that tissue!!
Thanks for some ideas on how to be a food thief
Lily & Edward
Great choice, D. Buns are delicious. And well done leaving the foil behind. That would’ve been a whole different set of problems. I wish I could come and live at your house. My mom is like a vacuum cleaner and never accidentally leaves out anything delicious for me.
Love and licks,
What a sweetheart – she actually waited, giving you every opportunity to put that thing out of her reach…lol…
I don’t even have silver fillings and the thought of foil on teeth period made my teeth hurt. *shudders* Delilah was just helping clean up the sink. 😉
She is way too clever! It seems like they always pull one over on you when you least expect it!
I can just imagine Delilah lying down in front of the fireplace and slowly unwrapping the treasure inside, smiling a doggy smile, then digging in. I really think you made her morning extra special with your “test”. 😉
Great story! Delilah was just being helpful. She figured you’d forgotten about the bun and it might attract mice if she didn’t take care of it. 🙂
LOL, oh GAWD I love the D- dog! It must be something to do with the moon cycle because just last night Sam eviserated a pair of Lederhosen my grandmother sent to me back in the 70’s for my son. Heartbreaking, definitely. My fault, yeah. That dog has destroyed some of my most treasured personal items and yet, when I look at that face I see a sweetheart of a dog. Then I realize that dog is an idiot AND a destructive bastard. But I give him a hug with a sigh. [note to self…think about wrapping stuff laying around in foil] 😉
LOL!!! Smart dog, your Delilah, she had breakfast in front of the fireplace. Sounds like some very clever planning to me! 😉
I think that happens to all of us sometimes! It was just a bun, no biggie! At least it wasn’t chocolate or something dangerous.