Welcome to the Dumb Ass Dog Owner (DADO) blog hop, hosted by Tales from the Backroad and Heart Like a Dog.
Everyone has met one, or at least heard of one. Maybe you live next door to one. It seems to me like they are everywhere.
I often wonder if I googled my address if there would be an arrow pointing to my neighborhood stating “Dumb Ass Dog Owner’s Neighborhood. If you’re a dumb ass, move here.”
It’s true, I’ve had more than my fair share of encounters with dumb ass dog owners. I say fair, because I can’t even count HOW many of these encounters I’ve had.
I had to think long and hard about which story I’d share. I finally settled on the Bulldogs. Yes, I’ve written about them before but it was quite some time ago, so it bears pulling out and sharing again.
We have three Bulldogs that live across the street. They MIGHT be nice dogs if they had owners that 1) socialized them 2) let them off their deck 3) were home at reasonable hours.
These dogs go out on the deck first thing in the morning and stay out there all day long, sometimes late into the night. In fact, before this couple had their child (yes, as if they didn’t leave their dogs enough, they now have a child that takes up more of their time) there were days/nights where they wouldn’t come home until 10 or 11 at night. And the dogs would be on the deck that entire time.
Take a look at the deck.
Yes, the dogs shit on the deck and every so often the male owner goes out and shovels it off the deck into the grass. Shovels it off.
Since these people have been living here, my dogs have had three altercations with them. The first two encounters were with Sampson and it happened with Hubby. One of those times one of the dogs actually bit Sampson.
The last encounter was with Delilah. Delilah the dog who takes no shit.
We were finishing up our walk, one house away from home, Hubby and Sampson were ahead of us. It was dark. A car was coming down the street. It happened so fast. I heard a noise from my left and two of the Bulldogs came tearing across the road right in front of the car.
They were immediately on Delilah, growling, snapping and barking. I didn’t know what to do. One minute we were having a lovely walk, the next minute three dogs were circling me, trying to kill each other.
Instinctively I dropped her leash. There was no way I was going to let her feel trapped and unable to defend herself, especially with two on one.
The male owner was outside with them (thankfully) and he came running across the street, and flung himself on the ground. He said something. I can’t remember what it was, but it had something to do with his dogs going after Delilah and I responded with something along the lines of “She’ll give it right back to them, she won’t just take it.”
It seemed like minutes passed, but I think in reality it was probably less than a minute. The owner was on the ground, I seem to recall he used his foot to remove one of the dogs off the road and into the grass and had his arms wrapped around the other dog. I don’t whether he was bit or not and I could care less. If his dog bit him, if my dog bit him, if all the dogs bit him. He’s a dumb ass.
Once he got the dogs away from Delilah I was able to get her to leave the fight. I got her home and checked her over and could find no bite marks, no blood, etc.
Hubby and Sampson meanwhile had seen the entire thing. Hubby said I handled the situation right, but I still felt awful.
It’s a terrible thing to have hours and hours of hard work ruined by some Dumb Ass Dog Owner who doesn’t put any effort into his dogs and has no regard for those that do.
The kicker is. Both of the owners of these dogs are teachers. Education is nothing if you are ignorant.
And how do you educate the ignorant?
This is the Dumb Ass Dog Owners blog hop, hosted by Tales from the Backroad and Heart Like a Dog. We encourage you to link up with us and share your stories of dumb-assery. Maybe together we can figure out a way to get the point across.
P.S. I’ve disabled the right click option for the purpose of this blog hop. Feel free to copy the blog hop badge and use it in your posts.

OMD and they are teachers? Lordy goes to show education does not = common sense. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Horror story! It’s my worst nightmare that dogs will run up and attack me. It happened once. I’m not a fighter, I’m a cuddler. *shiver*
Love and licks,
Stupid people should not be allowed to have dogs – those poor poor dogs!! I am fuming over the desk. You need to go an open a can of whoop ass on them on my behalf!!
We couldn’t come up with the right post 🙁 But, this post reminded us of the people down the street that got a lab puppy of all things. They never walk it, once and a great while they chain it to a tree in their yard for a few minutes, but it too lives on the deck or in the house and it does pooping and peeing on the deck. What is up with that? The family has kids, they sometimes are out on the deck, that is just so gross! I guess we forgot about this story because we can’t stand thinking about it. The poor dog has no life and is so aggressive, just so very sad!
Very heavy sigh – “How do you educate the ignorant?” I sure dunno. You were so lucky that neither you nor Delilah were injured! I feel so sorry for those dogs and the “life” they live.
Oh my goodness. All that poop must smell in the summer. Charging dogs make me nuts. If they won’t recall, keep them on lead!
This story falls under the “why do you have a dog?” category for me.
Good grief. Dumb assery at its finest. That would be so infuriating. And how in the hell do they think a deck full of dog shit is OK?
Wow – that’ deck is pretty disgusting. I would almost consider a call to animal control. So sad…and dumb.
That takes the top award for being the dumbest ass pet parents ever. I don’t know what Ma would do if a dog ever attacked me but I do know that my her first instinct when danger is imminent is to become a bear mom. I have seen her break up dog fights at the humane society and she has picked up 50-60 pound dogs and removed them from the fight. Where she came up with that strength I don’t know but it stopped any damage from being done.
Our Mom is a BE TIRED Teacher… and She was NEVER EVER gone from home THAT long… WHAT are these people teaching??? Certainly not… a class in how to LOVE YOUR DOGS.
There are many DADO around here. Mom is our witness
Lily & Edward
The house next door to me attracts DADOs I think. The last owner had a HUGE (overweight) Newf who was lucky to get a walk once in a blue moon. He was often left outside for many, many hours. The owners did love him, but every single member of the family was too lazy to care for him. He was the sweetest guy. I would take him for walks when I could. Poor guy died early from cancer.
Now, the current owner has a rare bulldog….She looks like a cross between a boxer and a pitball, and is all rippling muscle. She is nice to people but is very dog aggressive. We share a fence line. Great! This poor dog NEVER goes indoors and doesn’t have a dog house. She is just left by herself day in and day out. I feel so sad for her and at the same time fear the day she gets loose and wreaks havoc on unsuspecting dog walkers. To make it even worse, they used to have two of these dogs. Then after a particularly hot spell (several days at 100), I noticed one was gone. They said they found her dead in the yard and blamed a snake. We don’t have poisonous snakes here. I’m pretty sure she died from heat stroke as a smush-faced dog.
And you don’t even want to get me started on the Akita across the street (way scarier than the dog next door!)….Why do these kinds of people even own a dog??!! I just don’t get it! Darn DADOs!
I’d hate to see this people in the classroom! How do you teach “kids” if you’re ignorant yourself?? Oh well. While he was down on the ground, I’d have been sorely tempted to kick him in his ass, so it’s probably a good thing I wasn’t there instead of you! Geez! Maybe he’s related to the Duchess in my story?! Connecticut isn’t that far from Long Island….hmmmm.
*these people*….stupid autocorrect!
We have a term for people like that here in NH “educated idiots”. I’m getting a sense from some of the posts today that these DADO’s tend to gather in certain places!
I cannot believe that deck….! I don’t even know what to say about that. Ours will occasionally go on our deck….but only when there’s snow on it!
I’m just so glad you and Delilah were OK.
I’m banging my head against the wall right now. Whyyyy on earth do people like this have a dog or get a dog in the first place??? Okay, I could really go off right now, but I’ll hold back ;). It’s really unfortunate for the dogs in these situations…
Thank you for sharing this story again, I’m sorry you had to go through it and OMG really, poop all over the deck, yes yes they are dumbasses. geez
When a more current neighbor had one of their dogs, they kept the poor thing in a pen in the far back end of their back yard; on the side by the fence between our yards. They rarely cleaned out the poop, so it was quite unpleasant especially in the summer. The poor dog supposedly met a horrible death at the hands of a stranger; but I have my own suspicions about what really happened. Ya can’t fix stupid, but some people do not need to have pets!!
That gives new meaning to the word “poop deck”. Maybe they think it acts like a guard against the elements so that is why there is so much of it left there. I would think every time they open that door, especially in warmer months, that stink has got to waft through their house. How nasty! I would be very tempted to go to the nearest facility that allowed me to create my own pottery and fashion a poop shaped pottery piece and then gift wrap it for them with a little card that says, “I can tell you enjoy gazing at poop because of all the piles on your deck, so I made this ceramic poop just for you so you can have it inside of your house too! Sorry that it doesn’t smell – maybe next year I will find you a poop scented candle! From, your non-poop-deck-loving neighbor.”
Owners like that just chap my backside – has anyone turned them in to the authorities yet?????
That would be the most HUMANE thing to do. Not to have the dogs taken away but to educate these
“teachers” as to how they should be treating them and properly disposing of their waste !!!!!!
I think they would be much better neighbors that way !!!!!!!!! Good luck with them !
I think if I enumerate all the Dumb Ass Dog Owners I’ve seen in general, and/or lately, I’d raise my blood pressure, and I do need to go to bed so I can get up in the morning for work 😉
I’m glad you and Delilah are all right.