As I mentioned in Friday’s post, Sampson’s X-rays looked good. The surgeon felt his Psoas muscle and Sampson turned around quickly, which indicated the muscle was tender. The surgeon placed Sampson on some Gabapentin and wants to recheck him in two weeks. He’s not ruling out a meniscus injury, but he wants to try the Gaba and see if it works. I dropped Sampson’s walks down to about 15 minutes twice a day and am going to try and fit some cavaletti’s in when I can.
On Saturday Sampson had his Physical Therapy and I shared all of this with the therapist. What I took from that visit is she feels because of the way Sampson is ‘loading his knee’ that it very well could be a meniscus injury and this tosses me right over the freaking edge.
The biggest issue is I don’t want him to have surgery again. First off, the meniscus surgery means he will have bone touching bone, which I think must be very painful. I mean, they replace people’s knees when that happens, right?
Also, we are seven weeks into a twelve week strict limitations recovery. In two weeks we will be three weeks away from (hopefully) having some restrictions lifted and Sampson getting back to enjoying more of his life. If surgery is suggested it will probably be scheduled within a week or two, which puts us right on the verge of finished.
The therapist says that some dogs have the meniscus surgery and turn the corner and recover quickly, but how do I know that will be Sampson? How do you know it’s the right thing to do?
But the bigger question is How. HOW can I put him through this again? How can I ask him to start over?
I’ve been struggling with this since Saturday and Saturday night I decided I’m putting my faith in a higher power. I know some people do not believe in God, and I’m not here to sell you differently, if you believe awesome and if you don’t, we’re still cool. But I believe. And I believe in the power of prayer and the power of positive thinking. So every night when Sampson and I lay down to sleep, I lay my hand across his leg and I pray for healing. If you believe in the power of prayer, I sure would appreciate you keeping Sampson in yours.
Do any of you have any experience with a dog having ACL surgery and then needing meniscus surgery? Or have any of your dogs had meniscus surgery? If any of you can share your experiences, I’d certainly appreciate it.

Unfortunately I have no help for you 🙁
I have not felt with any of this before, but I sure hope someone can help you with some info.
I am so so sorry for what you are going through with Sampson. I can only imagine,..
I think the power of prayer and positive thinking are huge! I have had Sampson in my thoughts and prayers for the last couple of weeks. And I will continue to do so.
Sending you all of my healing thoughts, prayers, and husky hugz your way.
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
We’ll be praying for you too. No experience with a dog having meniscus surgery, but my Daddy had it. He was a lot better after the surgery pain ended. There are several types of meniscus tears in humans as well as other animals. A torn meniscus doesn’t always mean that it’s torn all the way through or that bone will be touching bone afterward. It doesn’t on Daddy. They just trimmed it some. I’d expect that some more PT would have to be done afterward though.
Has anyone talked to you about, or did you try Adequan injections for Sampson’s joints? It’s supposed to work faster and a bit differently than glucosamine therapy. I can’t remember now if you’ve mentioned it or not.
Happily no experience of either. It does sound horribly stressful for you and the thought of starting all over again so sad. Prayer and positive thinking a must – you and Sampson are in ours.
My heart just aches for you. How can we look at our sweet dogs and see them being so obedient to their nature and not believe in our creator. You are taking the best possible care of Sampson that you can. That is all that anyone can ask. God asks us to take care of them and I know you have no doubt that you are looking out for both Sampson and Delilah”s best interest. I will keep you in my prayers that you feel peace in your heart, knowing you are doing all you can.
Try to follow Sampson’s admonition to not worry so much, with a little help from your prayers.
Gus’ Mom
Ah, Jodi, as you said to me one day, if there was a definition of worrywart in the dictionary, your picture would be it. But in this case, some concern is definitely warranted. I’m glad, though, that you have decided to put your faith in “a higher power”. God will guide you through this, just as He’s guided me through one thing or another with my girls. And I will not only keep Sampson in my prayers, but I’ll include you as well.
As for the meniscus vs the Psoas muscle? Personally, I would tend to put more faith in the surgeon’s assessment. After all, he’s the one who read the X-rays and felt the muscle. And, he was right there to witness Sampson’s reaction to his hands-on examination. The PT sounds to me like a devout pessimist, a firm believer in “Murphy’s Law”. The surgeon sounds more down-to-earth. Give the Gabapentin a chance to work before you worry yourself sick over surgery that might not even be necessary. I have a feeling that your regular vet would say the same thing.
Meanwhile, hope you had a great Mothers Day!
Sorry Jodi we can not help as we have no experience. However you are both in our thoughts and prayers and we send healing vibes and POTP.
Best wishes Molly
We have no experience with either surgery, but plenty of experience with prayer. Cupcake and I will say lots of healing prayers for Sampson and throw in a few for you and his doctors to make all the right choices.
I don’t have experience with either surgeries, but do believe in the power of prayer with you so will be sending up lots of prayers for Sampson and you!!
We have no experience with surgery but we have a lot of experience with the power of prayer and the power of many prayers. We will join you.
Oh Jodi, that sucks! I am sending all my positive vibes and prayers your way.
Only experience with ACL, two of them in our dog Sally. Let’s hope the Gaba works for him and you can avoid any further surgery. But, remember, dogs are resilient and Sampson is a tough guy.
We will for sure keep you guys in our thoughts Jodi.
I have no experience with meniscus injuries but I do believe in the healing power of prayer, and of warm loving thoughts extended to the patient from those who love him.
Also Gabapentin is great, in my experience 🙂
I’m no help for the experience thing. I didn’t even know they did meniscus surgery on dogs! I know folks tho who’ve had it done and swear by it. However… my hubs is still messed up even after 2 meniscus surgeries – it really depends on where the tear is and how bad it is as to how easily recovery will go (at least for humans!).
I’m not a prayer person but I definitely believe in the power of positive thinking – so will send a lot of pawsitive thoughts out for you and Sampson!
I will be praying that the Lord reveals to you the right thing for Sampson in this situation. This is such a hard choice and I don’t envy you one bit. It’s so hard with dogs because they don’t understand what is going on – they can’t see the bigger picture. If I were in this situation, I’d want to know if there are any other options – options that would keep him happy and comfortable; I’d basically ask myself all the questions you are probably already going over in your mind.
I know you’ll weigh the pros and cons and I just pray you’ll have peace about whatever decision you come to. There is no “right” or “wrong” here; we are behind you whatever you decide. Sending you hugs…
I wish I had some experience to share with you, I don’t, but I can certainly pray and I will. I don’t like this therapist that keeps making you worry! Keep your faith that it will all work out, and you have a lot of us pulling for Sampson and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
I have faith that if it comes to it, you will figure out what the best thing is to do.
I have no knowledge but my thoughts are with you
retro rover
Oh, I’m so sorry you have to face these difficult decisions. I wish there were an easy, clear answer.
My family’s golden retriever tore her ACL years ago, and we decided she should have surgery. She never seemed to fully recover, and I think it’s because we were not educated enough about proper rehabilitation/physical therapy, etc. Thankfully, she never seemed to have any major problems, and it didn’t seem to slow her down. However, her leg always just seemed slightly stiff to me.
I don’t expect my experience to be helpful to you, as it’s not the same situation you’re in. I just want to let you know my thoughts are with you and Sampson.
I have no experience with any of my dogs, but many around the neighborhood have had the acl surgery. Sorry for the endless worry. I think prayer is very healing and a good place to put energy. We will add Sampson to our get well list. We are praying for him. – Lorian
I have no experience with this, but I just said a prayer for you and Sampson.
We are sending our POTP and strong VIBES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Wow. What a decision – poor Sampson! And poor you guys!
I have no experience with either condition but I hope blogville comes through with some quality advice. In the meantime, I wish the best for everyone there – what ever you decide, it’ll be the right thing.
We haven’t had experience with either, but I’m sending him lots of positive, healing wishes!!
Oh boy. I sure hope they are wrong and he can just continue with his recovery.
I’m so sorry Jodi. I hope that it does not come down to a second surgery, and that your prayers will be answered. Leah had a meniscus repair at the same time as her ACL repair and she’s doing well nowadays. I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. I was terrified to have her go through a second surgery when she wasn’t healing right because of an allergy to the material she used, but I put my faith in the surgeon. He said to me, “If it might alleviate her pain, we owe it to her to try.” And, he was right, the surgery was a success and she was I’d say about 95% healed within two weeks of that second surgery.
I am not at all experienced, but I don’t think it is fair for the PT to diagnose your dog and cause you worry. I hope it all works out and I will be sending prayers your way.
Prayers and hugs!
I’m sorry to hear this, sending hugs and prayers and positivity your way. On the positive Sampson will not know that his ‘release’ date was within reach so it is only you that will have to deal with this blow, and in the end if he is pain free then that is the most important thing – right??