Spring has finally arrived and we’ve had some decent weather the last week or so, even though it got super cold last night. Easter Sunday was just about perfect weather wise and it was made even better by having the grandchildren over. I was so excited that my grandson who is six was showing some interest in walking the dogs.
He did super good with Sampson. Sampson is one of those dogs who adapts to whomever is walking him, he’s also on a new harness which helps with his pulling and I was tickled that my grandson could walk him.
When it came time for Delilah’s turn I became a bit more hands on. If she saw a squirrel or a dog I was afraid she’d want to take off and he could easily get pulled or worse, so I kept a good eye on it. It was a good learning opportunity for us, as a couple of times when Delilah pulled he gave her leash a good tug. I explained to him that is not how I work with Delilah, I want her to do something because I ask her to, not because I force her. We had a good conversation and I hope at the least I planted a seed.
It took me back many years to the beautiful walks and talks I had with my grandfather and the many seeds he planted in me. What a beautiful Easter gift to share with my grandson, the gift of having an adult listen and share.
Sampson starts his physical therapy tomorrow. This past Tuesday was the four week mark since he had his surgery and it seems to me that he is walking a bit better. He still resists his weight bearing exercises, but we’ve discovered if we let him initiate a game of tug, he naturally puts weight on it without realizing it.
And yesterday on one of his walks he pooped and used that back leg to kick some dirt over it. I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to get home and tell Hubby!
Delilah continues to be her crazy, zany self. Honestly I need a video camera to actually capture all the crazy things she does. Yesterday as I was prepping for her walk she she mistook my hand zipping up my jacket for a treat and actually tried to eat the zipper tag.
This dog yo!
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That is so beautiful with you and your grandson.
Great seed to plant that’s for sure!
I am glad to hear Sampson is starting to get around better and use his leg without realizeing it,
That’s great news!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
I can’t wait for our grandsons to be old enough to understand stuff like that! Way to go, Grandma!
Glad to hear that Sampson is walking better, and doing his exercises! And Oh Delilah! What a character you are! How does your Mom not go out of her mind with you around?! BOL!
Nice one and so glad grandson is loving walking the dogs. Good luck with Sampson and the therapy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Your grandson is lucky to have that knowledge young. Can hardly believe it’s a month since Sampson’s op! Everything sounding good for him.
How brilliant that you have started planting seeds already, this is exactly what children need. Whether from dog loving grandparents, other relatives or just taught in schools. I firmly believe that if children were taught how to love, care for and interact with all animals from an earlier age this world would be a better place!!
Sounds like a wonderful Easter. In that picture of Sampson walking, it looks to me like he is putting good weight on his leg. I am happy he is doing well. 🙂
Walking with little people is fun! Lucky dogs…. I would love a walk where Mom isn’t watching me like a hawk. There are goose candies just waiting for me to find them. I don’t stand a chance with this hawk!
Love and licks,
lovely pictures a dog lover in training
retro rover
That’s great the little one can take the dog for a walk. We would drag him all over creation if we saw a critter, so no kids will be walking us. Glad to hear that Sampson is doing a bit better. The more you trick him into using his leg, the more he will just start using it. It will be a slow process, but think how far you have come already from six or so weeks ago.
What a beautiful Easter love the photos. Wow 4 weeks time flys so glad yr starting therapy he will be back to normal in no time. You have a award today on sand spring. http://sandspringchesapeakes.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/thursday-barks-and-bytesa-treat-and-a-award/
What a wonderful Easter, and so great to be able to teach your grandson those things. I can’t wait until mine is old enough to be able to start doing things like that.
I hope Sampson’s therapy goes well, it sounds like he is coming along very nicely, slow but sure.
We think it is SUPER that your grandson is learning to Love Dogs, and how to treat them. BRAVO
Grandchildren and dogs, what could be better. Such great relationships that influence them for the rest of their lives. Good news on Sampson.
Cute photo of your grandson and Sampson. So glad to hear he is doing well. The PT will help a lot I bet.
I sometimes have to remind my boyfriend of the very same thing! Good luck with the physical therapy!
I love little humans. They pet us and give us all kinds of things to chew
Lily & Edward
Wonderful that Sampson was so accommodating for your grandson, and great that Delilah played a part in helping you to plant some seeds. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Such good news about Sampson using his leg, even if “accidentally.” Hope the physical therapy goes smoothly. And as for Delilah and the zipper, I am so not surprised. 🙂
It’s really great that your had a good time monitoring and explaining to your grandson about walking two different dogs 🙂 And glad tug helps Sampson with his recovery. Imagine that!