Beautiful Collars
A few months back JoAnn at Sand Spring Chesapeakes did a tutorial on how to make a collar for your dog using Paracord. I admit I was intrigued because I really love the idea of having a bunch of different collars for different occasions.
While I love doing crafty things, I’m a really visual person and I need to learn by doing. So while I could read the tutorial, I just couldn’t figure it out, and I left a comment letting JoAnn know as much.
Saturday when I went to the mail box guess what was in there?
Yup! Lookie, lookie who got collars?
Sampson’s collar is green and black, while Delilah’s is blue and purple. In every day life, Sampson’s collar is green and Delilah’s is purple. For their ‘dress up’ collars, Sampson’s is black with silver skull and cross bones, while Delilah’s is a purple print.
JoAnn couldn’t have chosen better colors for my dogs.
Awe Mama, you’re just jelly of my new necklace.
Why yes, green really does look good on me.
Many, many thanks to you JoAnn for this amazing gift! We totally love them!!
Sampson is still on limited exercise due to the partial ACL tear and quite truthfully, I don’t feel super bad not walking the dogs. It’s been very cold and random days of crazy snow.
BUT on the weekends I try and get Delilah out and give her a good forty to fifty minute walk in the woods. It’s also very refreshing for my soul. To me, there is nothing better than walking in the woods.
I’ve been super impressed with the way Delilah acts on our walks, even though she remains on leash, she’s been very attentive to me, responding when I call her and with the exception of a little shit snarfing, she’s been amazing. There was one evening walk where she heeled right next to me without even being told!
Last weekend we ambled down one of the harder trails in our woods. With the storms we’ve had the last couple of years, we’ve had a number of trees fall down and unless they are seriously blocking the trail, they lay where they fall.
There’s something in our woods that loves to crap on fallen logs.
I’m no poo-ologist, I can only identify dog and deer crap, so I’m at a loss as for what type of poo it is, all I know is whatever it is, it really interests my dogs.
I think it’s taken to crapping on stumps too.
For a second I thought she was going to climb on the stump, but I called her away and away she came! And I don’t know why, but I’m particularly taken with this photo. LOL
This is Thursday Barks and Bytes Blog hop, hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog. Grab the badge and join the fun.

Their collars are awesome!!! What a nice gesture of Joann to make them for you!! The colors are just perfect!!
That is so nice and we love the collars. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Those collars are just lovely!
The colours really suit Sampson and Delilah individually! The paracord pattern looks quite familiar, I think we used to make craft dragonflies with bead eyes out of thinner cords with that pattern if I’m not wrong.
Hi Y’all!
The collars are beautiful!
As for poop…deer poo is bigger rabbit poo. Fox and coyote scat (poo) look more like a smaller dog left it except it usually has fur and or small bones in it. Bobcat scat is similar, but more rounded. If you have a bear in the neighborhood it looks more like “plop”. Black bear leave behind scat that plops like a cow plop, but not as much. If you find scat in the middle of a trail that looks similar to dog poo but has fur and/or small bones in it, beware you have a panther or cougar in your midst. They leave their markings in the open to mark their territory.
And now you know…
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Cool collars! We are battling wabbit poo at our house. It is all over on top of the snow and us dogs are trying to eat every last turd while Mom is trying to keep us from eating even one. It is a major battle, but us dogs are winning.
I love it when people surprise you pleasantly!
Ha ha ha! I hope you solve the mystery of the poop! We haven’t been walking much either, darn it.
I am so glad you love the collars and that they actually fit! That is the problem with the paracord you need exact measurements as they can’t be adjusted. I think they really pop on your gang. Mystery poop I would need a close up pic to try and help you out. Lovely stump photo! Have a wonderful day!
Those collars are way cool. If you are ever in need of 50 feet of rope when you’re with the dogs, you are set. I don’t know about pooping on stumps either. Weird.
What a great idea. Green is your collar
Great collars. We have not been getting enough walks these days. The weather has been so terrible, none of us want to be outside for very long. Neither of my dogs have pooped on a stump, but it may be a good idea:) teehee
That is a very nice photo! I have no clue what might be pooping on the logs ahahhahaha! If you ever do find out, you have peaked my curiosity so please let me know haha!
And what gorgeous collars!!! How nice of a gift as well! Very lucky!
have a great day!
((husky hugz))
Frum da pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Nice new duds!
No idea what would prefer to poop on logs, but too funny that it’s caught some attention!
My dogs are so jealous of all the pee mail and poop mail your dogs get in the woods.
OH HOW LOVELY to have received those BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT collars.. HOW very NICE.
Now we see that someone gave you the POOP on the Mystery Poops… It is spot on… you just need to decide which one you found. We have seen SOME bear Poops that was Full of Hair and not a PLOP… Depends on the time of the year… THIS would not be a time of year where you would expect to see Bear Poops… THEY are still SLEEPING fur the most part.
Are you sure it’s not people poo? A homeless person, or a deranges teenager? My teenage boys would totally do that if they thought they could get away with that.
Love the new collars! They are very pretty!
And I agree, this weather has become some annoying, as it seems to always snow on my days off!
Those collars are pawesome!!! Hmmm, poo logs on downed logs…stumped by the poo on the stump?!? Could it be a raccoon? Their poo does have a nice aroma. BOL
*Cairn cuddles*
Those collars are great! What a wonderful gift. Maya has one made with lavender and pink paracord. Lavender is Maya’s signature collar color. No, I didn’t make this collar. I bought it. When it is time to get a new collar because the lavender has turned to brown, I will see if I can figure out how to make it. Where did you get your instructions? Maybe I can find a video. That will help me best.
BTW, if that stuff on the stump is raccoon poo, keep away! Coon poo can carry canine distemper and a very deadly type of roundworm.
Awesome collars! Also, when I was scrolling down and got to the edge of the picture after you were talking about the mysterious poo, I actually thought there was going to be a picture of it! Lol glad you spared us 😉
Those are beautiful collars…what a thoughtful gift!
Wonderful that Delilah is doing so well on the walks. Maybe the one on one time has helped a bit?
Sweet collars! Looking good! Mom won’t let me go into the woods near the playing field. I wish I could walk with you, Delilah! I like to smell (eat) poo….
Love and licks,
Those collars are lovely and really pop on the dogs. What a nice surprise!
Wow, wasn’t that so sweet of Joanne, and those collars are gorgeous! They look awesome on the dogs.
We haven’t been walking much either. I did also get Kobi out for a longish walk over the weekend. We’ve been spending a lot of time in the yard playing fetch though with the two girls and Luke, so I feel like I’ve at least been getting plenty of fresh air anyway!
The dogs look gorgeous in their new collars!
Too funny about the creature that is pooping on stumps. Maybe it’s a long-legged thing?? Either that or nimble.
Sorry I missed the hop today. Will hopefully be back next week for Barks & Bytes!
JoAnn sure made Sampson and Delilah beautiful collars. Perfect colors. Wonder if it could be coyote poo? That really interests brown dawgs when they come across it…lol. Thank so much for hosting the hop with me. 🙂
Pretty collars! Great colors! What a lovely surprise. 🙂
What a beautiful place to walk. I wonder what could be pooping on the stumps? That’s pretty funny.
I love pretty collars, so I am super jealous that you guys got such a nice gift! They look great! I don’t buy my dog clothing or many toys or treats but I do splurge on a collar every now and then.
And poop on a stump? Haha! So funny and so random. I love walks in the woods as well. Just any peaceful walk in nature is so refreshing.
That was so nice of JoAnn to make those for your doggies! She is awesome!