What would a week around here be without a little ear worm?
Sung to the tune of “Meet the Flintstones”
Bloggers, meet the Bloggers,
We’re all part of online history
From all a-round Blogville
We’ll take out all the mystery.
Through the courtesy of this great hop
Some new faces up do pop
When you, join the blog hop
You’ll make some new friends, some old and true friends, you’ll have a grand old time!
The brain child of AJ from I Still Want More Puppies and Amy from Go Pet Friendly and co-hosted by Jodi from Kol’s Notes, Leslie from Bringing up Bella, Jenny Jugs from My Brown Newfies, Dawn from NEPA Pets, Mel from No Dog About It, Julie from The Daily Dog Blog, Lauren from Life With Desmond, Kim from Cindy Lu’s Muse, Kristine from Rescued Insanity, Peggy from Peggy’s Pet Place and yours truly, this is MEET THE BLOGGERs getting to know you hop.
The first rule was to post a current photo. Now I’m not one of those bloggers who shy away from posting pictures of themselves, I’ve put the good, the bad and the downright fugly on this blog because that’s just how I roll. But as it’s part of the ‘rules’ here is my Heat Miser picture.
And this is a little Selfie, I took with Sampson barely a week ago.
The next rule is to answer at least five questions from this list. (You can do more if you’d like, but come on guys, I basically share everything there is anyway.)
What’s your favorite non-animal related book?What’s your favorite non-animal related movie?
What’s your favorite non-animal related food?
Who’s your favorite actor?
What’s one thing you have to do every day?
What makes you feel fabulous?
What do you wish you were more skilled at?
What’s your favorite holiday?
Favorite meal?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What one word would people who know you use to describe you?
If your pets could talk, what one word would THEY use to describe you? What is one thing you’ve done that you’re most proud of?
How is your pet most like you?
What can your body do for you that makes you most proud?
If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
Other than blogging, what are three things you do that bring you joy?
What’s one thing you could do to be more kind to yourself?
What drives you nuts about your pets? What melts your heart?
If you didn’t have your current pets, what pets would you choose to have?
My favorite meal is very simple. Spaghetti and meatballs. I could eat that every day for weeks on end and not complain. Add in a loaf of crusty bread and this girl is in heaven!
What drives me nuts about my pets? Siriusly I was going to answer the book question and then Delilah did something and I came back and changed the question. After Delilah has her snack at night she wants to go out, so she goes to the back door and instead of barking or even growling, she sort of grunts. Something like, “UNNNNNGHHHH.” I effing hate that!! Just bark for crying out loud! She barks to come in, but she grunts to go out. Go Figure!
My favorite non-animal related movie. One would assume since I love the HP books so much they would be my favorite movie as well. Sadly that isn’t true. I liked the first and second movie, but hated the rest of them. My favorite movies are actually the Lord of the Rings series, with The Two Towers being my favorite of the three.
What I wish I were more skilled at. This one’s easy. I wish I understood the technical side of blogging. Don’t get me wrong, eventually I catch on and I’m very blessed to have amazingly patient friends who explain things to me, I just wish it were a little bit easier.
And finally, just because Kristine wanted to know what makes me feel fabulous…here you go. I feel fabulous when I am surrounded by people who ‘get’ me. You know what I mean. When you can be all crazy about your dogs and how much you love them and no-one looks at you like you’ve got three heads. Oh and when I take a nice smelly bubble bath, have matching smelly lotion and put on a nice pair of pajamas. I feel fabulous then too. 🙂
So did you learn anything new about me? How about some of our other fellow bloggers? What’s the one thing you’ve learned today, either here or another blog that surprised you?
It’s not too late to join the blog hop. All the questions are there and the hop is below the advent calendar, won’t you join us?
Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers
Fresh Pet’s has a new line of treats! And guess what? The Advent Calendar sponsors are the first ones to announce and feature them!
Here’s a sneak peak at the prize pack for today, head on over to Kol’s Notes to get the full scoop!
It’s time for the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s Notes, Heart Like a Dog, My Brown Newfies, My GBGV Life & Bringing Up Bella! 24 giveaways in 24 days, plus a grand prize worth more than $800 – who wants to win? Today’s giveaway is sponsored by Freshpet. You could fresh, healthy treats and food for your dog. Click here to check out the Advent Calendar and enter today’s giveaway!

Great answers! I agree – being around folks who “get” you is the best!
That’s so funny about Delilah. Rita never barks (or grunts or whines or anything) to go in or out. She just stands there and waits for someone to notice her. It’s like she doesn’t want to trouble anyone, poor little crazy thing.
Love your answers. One of our dogs brings his biggest soft toy in his mouth and stand by us when he wants to go out. We like that.
Nice to learn a little more about you!
Love this! So much fun. Great pictures. I also love a bubble bath and pjs. Like – who doesn’t?
Very nice to hear about you! I love the lord of the rings movies and books too, in fact I watch them every christmas. I do also, however, like the potter movies too, though the books are better
retro rover
Now I have to get that tune of of my head! lol
I agree that being around other ‘dog crazy’ folks is fabulous.
I would take just the bread of your favorite meal…I know lol. So is gluten free bread as satisfying? Love all the pictures and your answers. I think I knew the movie answer already. 🙂
It seems we all wish we were more computer savvy. Amazing the internet has crashed around us all. LOL Torrey hops to go out. No sound, just lots of motion. Figure that one out. Roxy is worse…she just sits there.
Loved reading more about you. This is a great blog hop! Gotta get started on mine!!
So glad I found your blog because of this blog hop! Was lovely to read about you and can’t wait to read more about you and your lovely dog. Oooo, spaghetti and meatballs- a favourite of mine too! x
Great answers…I couldn’t get through all of them either! Crusty bread and red wine could be on my list, but I went with chocolate…
It was great getting to know you more and your answer of feeling fab is right on target! It is all about the “get” right? My dog gets me!
How much do I love that you included a song parody in this post? You complete me.
Bella’s not a barker either… if she wants to go out, she just stares at you. Stares deep into your soul until you finally figure out what she wants. (However, she is a serious barker in the “get off my lawn” sense.)
Loved reading your answers… and that Sampson selfie is adorable.
EGGS SA LANT answers.
You want to be more skilled at blogging, me too, I wouldn’t of figured you would say that. I just love how you say it how it is! You and I would get in to lots of trouble together. You make me smile! Have a great day.
Thank you for sharing all your secrets
I’m with you, too — being around people who “get” you is, as my brother would say, tan-fas-tic! But, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care what the ones who DON’T get it think of me. I am who I am and anyone who doesn’t like it can either get over it or get out of my way. I guess the “aging process” has a lot to do with my attitude. 🙂
But, if she grunted to come back in, you’d never hear. 🙂
The behaviorist had us train Silas to sit before we let him go out. Somehow in his mind this meant he should *just* sit, and he’s mostly stopped scratching at the door. Thank goodness we have a small house, or I’d never know what he wanted.
Good to see you!
Do you have any idea who many people with a barker in the house would be happy to trade him for Delilah the grunting dog? 🙂
Now I have to go listen to some music to get the Flintstones theme out of my head.
I included Lord of the Rings as my favorite movie too and agree The Two Towers was the best of the three. I sometimes put that movie on as background noise and find myself lip syncing the dialog. I really love the fantasy/sci-fi genre and am ready to see the second Hobbit movie.
Being around people who “get you” is high on my list. So many people take me literally that it drives me crazy. I will say something totally outlandish and they’ll be all “Are you serious.”
Or Sirius, as you might say.
Mom says it took her way too long to find out who she really is, but now she knows and she is so much happier. She also knows there are other crazies out there like her and that makes her happy. The blog world is online, but you can find people you click with and sometimes even meet…that is what she tells me anyway. Me, I just sniff until if find another soul like myself. 🙂 Nice post and great idea…I will expose my mom tomorrow.
Now I’m craving spaghetti and meat balls.
Haha!!!! What a great tune!!! Thats awesome!
((Hugz)) from your husky pals at “love is being owned by a husky”
You are so funny. I loved the song.
And I’m kind of right there with you on the spaghetti and meatballs thing (but really, the bread isn’t optional – you need it to sop up the left-over sauce. 😉
And I love your pictures. 🙂
Hi Jodi. Good to see you…again. I like how you don’t edit yourself out of the blogging picture just because the photos of you aren’t perfect. It makes your blog feel really “real”. Glad to meet you last year and thanks for letting me learn more about you.
Oh em gee. The LoTR movies are AMAZING. I could answer the movie question, though. I’d be torn between those, Raising Arizona and Princess Bride. Don’t make me choose.
Your heat miser picture has got to be one of my all time favorite pictures of you!
I need a bubble bath. I haven’t taken one in such a long time and I want to feel fabulous 😉
I’m loving learning more about everyone today! Also, that looks like one great prize, we’ll head over and check it out now! Thanks for sharing!
Another Lord of the Rings Fan! Pleased to meet you. Oh, and thanks for the earworm. Thank goodness I got to your blog late in the day. Hopefully a good night’s sleep will cure the Yabba Dabba Do in my head. 😉
Hi Y’all!
My Human is about ready to head off to nighty night land and I’m about to join her…she’s had a busy, busy week…anyway, I can’t sleep until I explain about Delilah! What she does when she wants to go out makes perfect sense! She’s usin’ her inside voice and when she’s outside, she barks cause she outside so she uses her “outside voice”!
Now you want to go crazy? Live with me ’cause I usually use my outside voice all the time! I do know how to “whisper”, but I only use it on command when I’m not excited. There’s more to the story, so if I remember, I’ll make it a post one day.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Woo hoo! Another spaghetti and meatball loving fan!
Oh, and Delilah. It’s called Barking. You know. Woof! Woof!
Loved learning more about you! This blog hop has been a lot of fun and Spaghetti is the best!
I’m a fan of raw zucchini spaghetti and meatless meatballs . . I know, I’m weird!! LOVE the selfie of you and Sampson – so sweet!!
Great answers! I especially love what makes you feel fabulous. In the broader world I often feel like a misfit…but put me with a bunch of dog lovers and I feel totally normal and at home.
I absolutely love this hop!! What a great idea!! I loved reading more about you!!! We joined at #91 😉
God I love you Jodi. You are beautiful. Yes you. I haven’t seen any fugly here at all.
I love your humor, your love for your dogs (even when they grunt and steal 2 lbs of frozen chicken legs from the sink) and I love your passion. I so want to meet you one day.
Thanks for making me laugh. I don’t think I was surprised by anything, but I can totally relate to what makes you feel fabulous. 🙂
I have yet to finish the LOTR series. Jodi! It’s so darn boring! I can’t even sit through the movies. All they do is walk?! Whyyyyyyyyy???
Bubble baths make me feel fabulous too, though I almost exclusively use the bubble gum scented Disney Princess bubble bath, so I suspect yours is a much more “grown up” experience.
My dog, who never stops barking at nothing, comes and pulls me with his paw and looks at me with pleading eyes when he has to go out. But if I ask, “Do you need out?”, man do I get the barking going!
I also loved the first two HP movies, hated four, five, & six, like three and seven part I, and was damned disappointed at the ending of seven part II. How could the epic battle happen WITHOUT WITNESSES???
Yes. I think we get each other. 🙂