The leaves have been falling in our little corner of paradise for the last three or four weeks. Last week during one of our walks I noticed that Delilah had a bunch of leaves plastered to the back of her left foot.
Yup, poor Delilah. She stepped in an ass bomb.
I pulled the leaves off and wiped as much of it as I could off and when we got home, I washed her foot.
Now if this had been Sampson I’d have had no idea where he picked this up, but seeing as Delilah is on leash and limited in her travels, I figured she picked it up on one of the trails. So the next time we were out there, I found the offending pile in the middle of the trail and removed as much of it as I could. I say as much of it, because the ass cake was right in the center of an embedded rock.
And no, butt nuggets do not rock.
This month’s #ScoopThatPoop blog hop is Poop Poetry. I guess I should have checked before I designed this post. Because I don’t have any poetry prepared. I had to do it on the fly…sorry!
Don’t fly the coop After you drop that poop Teach your human to scoop Before someone steps in that goop And falls on their ass with a whoop!I know it’s not always easy, I mean I’ve had them both pooping at the same time on different sides of me.
As I’ve mentioned before, poop from a raw fed dog is much harder than a standard poop. What I may not have mentioned is….the color. My dog’s poop is a mustard/yellow/gold color.
Did I mention that a LOT of the leaves that are falling in our woods are yellow? Yup, sometimes I just can’t find that poop.
For example, see if you can spot the poop in this photo.
(Yes my trained eye found the offending Lincoln Log and picked it up.)
This may not be the best example because most of these leaves have dried and turned brown, but I think you get the point. Go ahead and guess, I already have a photo ready for Friday’s post that shows you just exactly where the colon cake is.
It’s like the Where’s Waldo of poop. I spy with my little eye…….butt butter.
Anyway, I know all of you clean up after your dogs, but we need to find a way to get everyone to do this, it really helps cut down on the spread of diseases.
Besides, it’s the environmentally friendly thing to do.
So how do we get people to understand the benefits of cleaning up after their dogs?

Wow, I couldn’t see the poop. You must be good.
Wow – where *is* Waldo’s poop?? Is that it in the lower right corner? That’s a tough one! (And too funny.)
Yeah – how do we get the average non-picker-upper to pick up? Those are probably the same “the rules don’t apply to ME” people I see all the time doing stuff like texting while they drive. How do we get them to stop doing ALL the bad things they do?
I snoop, and I snoop but I cannot locate the poop (in the photo)! BOL Great poem, Miss Jodi…even on the fly. And thank you for joining our hop and spreading the word about Scooping the Poop! If only everyone would do it…
*high paws*
It’s a bit like stick the pin in the donkey poo – no idea!
That’s a super poo-em! I will follow your advice before the other end of the leash falls with a whoop :o)
Just right of center, yes? I think people who don’t feed raw probably don’t know what to look for. It really is different.
We had one yesterday on the bike trail where the person had carried the bag, scooped the poop, and then dropped the bag in the middle of the bike trail. Paved trail, bright blue bag, within sight of a trash can. What? How is that helping anyone?
Love your “on the fly” poop poem! I think I know where the poop is in the picture, but I won’t give it away.
I have a hard enough time trying to convince a certain other member of the household that running over “colon cakes” (I like this one!) with the lawn mower does NOT make them instant fertilizer! That’s why I clean up the yard so often. Is it a southern thing? No, but I’ve run into that “belief” more down here than I ever did back on Long Island, even 20-30 years ago.
This time of year when it is dark out a lot, leaves on the ground and multiple poopers it can be a real challenge for Mom to find the piles but she does her best. We can only go in a certain area since our leashes are only so long, but it is still hard for her sometimes. Your posts always make us laugh, even at the expense of the dog in this one!
Epic ode to scooping up the poop. Nothing worse than walking in it. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Once again you THE most creative terms for poop ever Jodi…Love it! I think I spotted your hidden poo…left side slightly below the center? I haven’t had a dog step in poo on the trail but me in my hiking boots? yep and no matter how long I picked at it with a stick and got it as clean as I could there was still that odor in the car on the way home
Great poem. I could not spot it in the picture!
Not even my well trained eye can find that one.
We LOVE your POOem. AND we love the BUTT BOMB. Our mom Picks up our POOPS … RELIGIOUSLY… even when we are in our OWN YARD.. NO BUDDY wants to step on a BUTT BOMB. Mom has a Flipper and TWO scoops…
I don’t like that either especially when I am at the dog park and people just wander off and don’t even pay attention to their dog. Everyone knows that a dog is going to poop at the dog park, hello!
It kind of amazes me how Lila never seems to step in the stuff!
I thought I found it….middle to the right a little? The leaves really do make it difficult. I only had one dog the other day, watched him go, turned around for a sec and then it was gone. ??? I feel bad that I never did find it, even after moving the leaves around! At least Kobi is good at going off the trail so no one is likely to step in it. We found some smack in the middle of a clear trail last week….really?
I don’t know how to make people pick up after their dogs. And no, I cannot find the turd in this picture. Do we win something if we can find it?
This is hilarious!! Ass bomb-hahahaha!!!!!
This was a awesome poop post! I LOL and smiled, you crack me up!
Ugh. I can understand losing it in the leaves, that happens in my own yard, especially with Miss Medi the walk-while-she-poos dog, but in the middle of the path?? Some people are just lazy – to put it nicely.
Thanks for the reminder. You also reminded me that my dog, K, had a bone infection in her toe, and one of the possible scenarios for what caused it was that she had a cut on her paw and stepped in poop. I’d forgotten about that until you showed Delilah’s paw. I guess that’s another reason to scoop!
I’m sorry I laughed that Delilah stepped in poop, it’s totally gross but funny.
My husband was cutting the back grass the other day and he told me to clean up poop first, which I did, but there was a lot of leaves on the ground so of course I missed a few piles and wouldn’t you know-my husband stepped in all of them. I laughed, he yelled. It was funny. Good times.
Jodi its a PAWsome Poop Poem, Golden LOVE it. Wait a sec, I’ve been eating lots of Pumpkin Treats n got a bit yellowish orange on my poop. No idea of the effect of Raw Food. Just gave us an idea for a future poop post.
Yikes on Delilah … did it smelled? (for sure, no doubt). So sorry but it’s a perfect story to share on our #ScoopThatPoop hop and it inspired you to compose a PAWtastic Poop Poem. Golden Thanks for participating. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Ewww… I hate cleaning poop of Donna’s paws D: … so I always try to scan ahead and avoid patches of grass that I see poop on she she doesn’t step on them… I think I see the poop slightly to the right of the centre of the picture! I think…
Once when I was picking up my dogs poo… it was dark, I was doing the picking up by torch light, and if I got too close to my dog he would stop his business so you have to keep one eye on him while pretending to be looking in the other direction and then when he moves away go and play hunt the poo… anyway I picked up what I thought was his poo however when I had my bagged hand around it I realised it was cold, anyway I carried on picking it up only to discover maggots in the middle of this pile of poo!! Still makes me shudder to think about it now!
Well, that’s just crappy. Being able to see poop in the middle of a walkway when there are brown leaves all around is tough. I never did find the poo in your photo.
Bwa ha ha! You and I are on the same wavelength. I hate scooping poop in the fall. Damn neighbors. Why can’t they just rake their leaves?
Where’s Waldo? Haha very funny but you are lucky the poops are kinda hard and easy to pick up.