It was a four bag walk.
When the first deposit was made, I carefully picked it up, looping the bag into a knot, juggling it between managing Delilah’s leash and dispensing treats.
When the second deposit was made, I repeated steps one and two, then tied the two bags together.
Sampson and Delilah each did their business one more time, each time I picked up the poo, sequestered it in its own bag and then tied the bag to the others.
As I tied the fourth one in place, it hit me.
No….not the poop, the idea.
Safety is always a concern for me on our daily walks in the woods. I worry about Stranger Danger, uncontrolled dogs and wild animals. I always travel with my trusty little pepper blaster pistol in my back pocket, ready and willing to unleash a powerful blast of burning fury at the offending perpetrator.
Now staring at the baggies in my hand, I realized I held what equates to a dog walker’s Chinese Star.
Drum roll please…..
Yes, it’s true.
My dogs are capable of producing Weapons of Ass Destruction, or WAD’s if you prefer.
Who needs a pepper blaster when you can easily wind the baggies up and hurl them like a shot-put?
Don’t believe me? I didn’t think you would, so I made a little video to prove the WAD’s capabilities.
(If the video does not work, click here.)
Warning you need really good aim though, because these baggies are versatile but they’re not tough, and while they are warm to begin with, they are not heat seeking nor do they have lock capabilities. Too hard of a toss or bad aim and you’ve got a…… mess of ass destruction on your hands.
(If the video does not work, click here.)
What do you think, should I apply for a patent?

Won’t be walking in the woods near you then 😀
OMD you are HILARIOUS! “Weapons of ASS destruction” LOVE IT!
Jodi, you crack me up! Great idea! BUT my aim sucks … I’m one of those folks Crash in “Bull Durham” was referring to when he said “you couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a f***ing boat!”. I’d have to stick with the pepper blaster, and I’d probably end up blasting myself instead of the perp. 🙁 What kind of wild animals are you talking about, anyway? Surely you wouldn’t blast a bunny, bird, or squirrel!
I agree, those full bags can be a weapon. You might not even need to throw them, just hold them up to an offenders nose and he’ll take off running!
Oh I definatley would go for a patton, I would change the design on the bag a little and I would add a fling cord for harder impact. Yes, I do beleive you have hit on a great idea.
And it is funny too
Bert adn My Vickie
BOL Funny. WADS. We could do with some of them some here. Have a wonderful WADS Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
That made me LOL. You are too funny 🙂
Mom worries about getting the poo on herself sometimes but we never thought of flinging the bags…LOL!
We will have to keep that in mind next time we are out for an evening walk! We have WADS, or a poopisle or a fecal grenade ready to aim at any dangers, and we never even knew it! 🙂
You should definitely apply for a patent. I’ll bet they’ve had weirder applications. But then the lawmakers would pass some poop bag control laws.
Umm, thankfully Riley NEVER poops on walks!! I don’t know why, but she has only pooped on a walk one time on a walk in the 4 years I’ve had her. And that was when she was like 2 months old–she hasn’t done it since.
Chloe, on the other hand, is a regular poop factory on her walks. It seems to stimulate her bowels!
You may be on to something there with the poop death star!! 🙂
Too funny Jodi. And of course I come across stuff like this when I just sit down for a snack. Yet I still watched the videos too. Typical dog owner. LOL! 🙂
Yes, definitely patent it.
Ummm, I wouldn’t quit my day job! LOL
I think I’d rather have the pepper spray!
You crack me up! Keep the pepper spray handy anyway 😉
WADs! OMD. Hysterical! The video is a riot.
If I saw one of those coming at me, I’d run like mad.
Oh dear.
Hah, funny!
I’ve actually thought about that, if necessary, I’d throw a poop bag at a charging dog/person of ill intent. With or without accompanying ninja sounds. For the threat display, you understand.
Hi Y’all!
Too funny. But will you give us Sampson and Delilah to provide the, well, poo? I rarely ever go anywhere but my yard before we go for a jaunt. Once in awhile I might go at a rest stop and my Human picks it up…she always has bags…but almost never has to use them.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
You are too funny! Great idea and low cost too!
Too bad you did not have your weapon yesterday. Lol where would you have hid it? Lmao. . The posibilities are endless. Larry the cable guy comes to mind. . So does the stink bait. Flmao
Whatever it takes to stay safe!!! 🙂
By the way, that reminds me of when I used to walk the dogs when we lived in a subdivision–I would put the bag down by a tree in the common area as I walked and pick them up on my way back. We used to pass the house of a really, really obnoxious schnauzer that our dogs didn’t like and he would bark at us from his front door that was always open. One day after I set a bag down he came over and picked it up and went inside with it… I didn’t walk that way again for a long time! :-)!!!
You, my friend, are a visionary. I’ll never take a walk the same way again. 🙂
Lol. Stranger Danger. I just that the pother day when I was out walking the dogs and saw a groundhog. Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!
I think your on to something here, get the patent quick!
I love that no only did you have the thought, but you then filmed examples!! Hee hee definately patent it!
Ha, ha. Funny. My thoughts usually don’t wander beyond disbelief when Chester and Gretel poop multiple times on a walk and I have to try to juggle all of the bags 🙂
LOL… So funny! The moment it opened with, “It was a four bag walk…” I knew I was in for hilarity.
It’s a serious weapon… you’d only have to dangle it at me and I’d be out of there like my feet were on fire.
You kill me! That was great!