A while back I wrote a post about thoughts Sampson, Delilah and myself might have on one of our walks. Since that time we’ve had many more walks, and many more thoughts. 🙂
We pull up to the park, I sling Samson’s leash over my shoulder, exit the car and open the door. The dogs burst out and make a bee-line for the trees.
I shut the door, lock the car and pocket the key. I reach into my treat bag and pull out some liverwurst.
Here, I say loudly and clearly. Sampson and Delilah run up to me and I give them each a tiny piece of liverwurst. I grab Delilah’s 15 foot leash and we start hiking in.
We get into the field and all stop to check out a pile of dog poop.
Sampson, Dang, this guy gets different food than I do.
Delilah, I’ve never smelled this brand before.
Me, WTF do they feed that dog, it looks like sunflower seeds in there.
We make our turn into the woods.
Here, I say loudly and clearly. Sampson stops, turns and looks at me. Delilah spins on a dime and comes right back to me: where’s my liverwurst?
I un-clip Delilah from her leash and tell her, free dog.
Sampson looks at me, where’s mine?
Me: Dude, you didn’t hustle back here, you get nothin.
We head towards the back of the woods, you know the place where all the spider parties are.
Sampson and Delilah run ahead.
Me: Ugh, get it off me, get it off me! (No, wait I said that out loud.)
Sampson: What’s the racket all about, why can’t we just have a peaceful walk?
Delilah turning on a dime and running back to me: What’s the matter mom, are you okay? Where’s my liverwurst?
We all hear voices. The dogs stop, ears up and then start to run ahead.
Here, I say loudly and clearly.
Sampson stops and looks back at me.
Delilah whips around and runs back to me. Is this important? Where’s my liverwurst?
I clip Delilah on leash and approach Sampson, he starts to move forward.
Wait, I say loudly and clearly. I grab his collar and clip on his leash. Together we approach the field.
We see our neighbors with their dogs, it’s safe to let them off-leash.
I un-clip Sampson and drop Delilah’s leash, they take off at a full run.
Here, I say loudly and clearly.
Sampson ignores me, looking up at the neighbor, pet me please.
Delilah turns on a dime and rushes to my side, Again? Aren’t you tired of this yet? Where’s my liverwurst?
After a few minutes of playing we head off into the woods to finish our walk.
Me: Didn’t the bugs get the memo about leaving me alone? There’s a bug on my glasses, go away bug, you’re bugging me.
Sampson: Why does she keep swatting, does she realize how stupid she looks?
Delilah: Hey Sampson watch this, if I run up to her, I bet she gives me some liverwurst.

Too brilliant! Delilah has her priorities straight, that’s for sure. I am so glad you have gotten to the point you can let her off-leash! That is amazing. Did you ever think it would happen so soon?
Aw, what a good girl Delilah is!
Great walk story ^^
I knew you could do it Delilah, what a good girl!! Great job Jodi with all your hard work and training, persistence pays off!!
Jodi you had me in stitches over the poop 🙂
Haha! Seems like Delilah’s got it all worked out. I thought Sampson was supposed to be the ‘good’ one!
Delilah HAS to be related to Georgia! Do you have Bushman there? You’ll smell like a walking bug bomb but it works 😉
Great post about your walk! We loved it! 🙂
Delilah should be ready for her Certified Human Trainer certificate. You learned fast to do the liverwurst thing.
LOL I’d say Delilah has you perfectly trained. Obviously Sampson needs to work it more. 🙂
Bwa ha ha. So which one of these two is the easy dog? I think Delilah might be moving up in the rankings. 🙂
Hehe… I hope you continue this feature. These posts always crack me up. 🙂
Lol!! This was a good one.